Well, it’s gotten a fair amount of attention in the blogosphere, and even on TV, where no less a luminary than Bill O’Reilly took note of it. I’m referring, of course, to San Francisco’s archbishop giving communion to the two gentlemen pictured on the left.

Now, Catholic Online has offered its own stinging critique by Deacon Keith Fournier.

I have read a lot of commentary on this. (Among other things, the reaction prompted Archbishop George Niederauer to issue an apology, which can most politely be described as lame.) But what is perhaps most astonishing to me is that no one, not even from the most progressive corners of the Catholic world, has jumped to the archbishop’s defense.

Which leads me to think that an overwhelming number of Catholics, from both the left and the right, have come to the same conclusion: it was indefensible.

The sanctity of the Eucharist: at last, something we can all agree on.

Now, if someone could just get a memo to the archbishop…

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