I stumbled across this little list, and I have to say, it offers nuggets of wisdom not only for priests, but deacons, too:

Maxims for the Priesthood – Good for Most of the Time

Avoid handling money

Wear black socks, shine your shoes, be well-groomed

Speak and write English simply and well

There may be no difference between a mood and a passion

Avoid anger

The most dangerous part of a speech is the joke

Grow a simple routine, savor productive boredom

Only a fool would legislate ascesis and arcane rubrics before he first lived them himself

Parochial gossip isn’t always bad, but it is frequently toxic … if you don’t want the toxin, don’t be a gossip yourself

Carry yourself with dignity

Do not complain about how busy you are … or about how poor you are … or about how sick you are … if you do, you will gain the pity of old women, and lose the respect of young women and old men, and you will join the party of ne’er-do-well middle-aged male malcontents, who will be happy to welcome you as their chaplain

Avoid aristocratic detachment, but avoid familiarity … do not drink with the boys

Write little notes of encouragement

In counseling, or in visitation, or in sermons, beware of talking about yourself

Turn off the TV and read Scripture, read the Fathers (certainly the Fathers before the Elders), read good literature … avoid mainline protestant theology and most modern novels (both are at war with the English language)

Force yourself to understand old poetry

Do not be opinionated … opinions take little to no intelligence

Do not make excuses … say simply, “I was wrong,” or “Forgive me, I sinned against you”

Be well-known for your forgiveness … never get famous for your tantrums

Do not demand attention, and never count on appreciation — these things will never come when you think you most deserve them

If you think you are popular in your parish … or, on the other hand, if you think your stock is low … just wait for the weather to change — the opinions of the crowd are as fickle as the wind

Go on many walks: the Good Shepherd of the green pastures will take care of you

Always remember that anger makes us energetic, but stupid … I cannot think of one good thing I ever did or said in anger: but I can think of many regrets

Beware of thinking that you simply must get an advanced degree — theological degrees are rarely worth the money, and nothing is stopping you from getting the education you really need, right now

I can think of a few priests (and deacons) who might benefit from that little list. I’m sure you can, too. Pass it on.

Image: St. John Vianney, patron of parish priests

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