Monday October 24.

You are in some section of the progress of this day.

This is a canvas book mark created by

Christine Mason Miller (also known as Swirly Girl).

This day is no accident.

It is a gift.

It arrived at the door of your day: you didn’t order it, you were unaware of the contents and each second you open is a surprise.

This day is your teacher.

It has insight, lesson and opportunity to learn in each second. All these pieces of knowledge are available to you with one simple requirement: you have to be attentive enough to see them and strong enough to seize them.

This day is your road.

It is here for you to move forward along the passionate pathway of your destiny, your calling, your deepest purpose.  Do you find yourself scoffing with, “Hah!  Deepest purpose?  I have four hours of filing ahead of me?”  There is lesson in that.  Opportunity for a new way, a better way, a faster way.  There is opportunity for excellence in each thing before us: every single moment.

I use Christine’s book mark to mark my daily log – it helps me remember that my days are no accident, each day is both a gift and my teacher.  What will the blank page of the rest of this day offer to help you write?

God never consults your past to determine your future.  – Mike Murdock

You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.  – Jack London

Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.  – Norman Vincent Peale

There is only one way to succeed at anything and that is to give everything. – Vince Lombardi


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