I remember, a few sizes back, trying several different yoga instructors.  Each instructor gently guided me to the back corner of the room.  I never knew if that was to protect me in my earnest efforts from snickers or to preserve the view shed of the other participants.  In any case the result was the same.  I call it “Yoga Incredulousity.”  Verbalized it sounds like, “What?  You want me to put my foot where? Really?  You’re kidding, right?”  No  joke.  I’m happy to report that on my ever deepening road to health and wellness, I can participate in Yoga and several poses are part of my daily experience.  But, I still manage to experience the phenomenon of “Yoga Incredulousity” every time I listen to the news.

Newt Gingrich is planning to declare his intention to run for president.  “You want me to put my vote where?  Really?  You’re kidding, right?”  Newt.  Gingrich.  Just say the two words. Slowly.  And summon the variety of things you know about the man and ask yourself if you want to be calling him, “Mr. President,” in a few months.  I’m hearing the lyrics to the rock and roll, “I need a Hero.  I’m holding out for a hero ’til the end of the night.”  I had the symptoms of “Yoga Incredulousity” just a few weeks ago when Donald Trump was making rumblings about running for president.  Ah. Well, you say, that WAS a joke.  The key leadership of our country is no laughing matter.  This is the person who will be directly the choir with songs that dramatically impact YOUR metaphorical musical  play list.

I don’t have to look far for my candidate because he’s already doing the job.  Why am I being so disclosing?  Aren’t I supposed to be writing about daily joys and sweet pleasures?  Yes, indeed. I am.  I am!  My favorite holiday (yes, even more than Thanksgiving and Christmas) is the 4th of July. I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy, boys and girls.  And that means that I want to do more with my rights as a citizen than watch them as they are systematically whittled and voted  away.  So, in my joyful, peaceful reflective life – I make sure that there is time to be a responsible citizen.  When the (yes, I’ve made this up) “Yoga Incredulosity” condition strikes you, and you discover they are not kidding – consider an action appropriate to your style.  A call.  A letter.  A Piece of Personal Education.  Just like my ongoing effort at learning and benefiting from various Yoga poses – so you will find that as you exercise your rights as an American citizen, they have more muscle and stretch, too.  One person does indeed make a difference.

“To succeed in chaining the crowd you must seem to wear the same fetters.  Voltaire”

“Where there is no middle class, and the porr greatly exceed in number, troubles arise, and the state soon comes to an end.  Aristotle”

“A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.  Dr. Johnson”

“He who can take no interest in what is small will take false interest in what is great. Ruskin”

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