Wow. Over 50 people posted entries in the Comments Section of yesterday’s blog here. There’s quite an interesting phenomenon developing on this site…many people are meeting up at this web location daily to see what’s being said…and to join in.
Why? Because what’s being said…both on the Blog and in the Comments Section beneath it…deals with the central question of our day; the crucial issue of our time: Who and What isGod? And what does God want?
Everyone wants final answers to these questions — and just about everyone has their own ideas of what that final answer is, or should be!
As a nice lady posting as “Barbara” wrote earlier today…

What engaging and provoking thoughts unfold here. I am so grateful to each of you for the level of openness and tolerance you have in musing the opinions of each other.

You will recall that I have asked…If ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’ means that God is in you, does that mean that God and we are One? Or does that mean that God is STILL ‘over there’ while we are ‘over here’…?
To this, Barbara wrote…

God is within us and “over there” at the same time. We are One with God and everything in it – we are all connected.

Exlaining this, she said…

God is Omnipresent. God is light. God is The Source of universal energy. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and every living thing channels that light and conducts varying frequencies of that same energy dependent on their will to seek virtues or vices.

Well, Barbara, I agree with you. Now the question is, if this is true, is there any way that we can use this energy with consistent and predictable results? Yes, that would be the question of the century, wouldn’t it….
A blog reader posting as “Dara” offered an interesting obseration. Unlike Barbara, Dara did not think that this blog contain “engaging and provoking thoughts.” On the contrary, she said…

I don’t understand this unending dissecting of other religions. What is the point? What is the purpose? Why continue to examine what’s “wrong” with these other religions when the CwG material is so inspiring, uplifting and spiritually challenging?

If you are just these days joining us, I should explain that you have dropped in on what I have called Sunday School All Week…a 26-week program exploring our collective views on religion and spirituality. This program consists of a topic that is explored in depth each Sunday, continues with back and forth comments from “class” members throughout the week, and closes with running excepta from the book What God Wants every Saturday — giving us all something to think about and to talk over.
So we’re not really seeking to make other religions “wrong” here, so much as exploring the in’s and out’s of all spiritual and religious traditions and messages, batting everything back and forth, and coming up with an idea about what is “so” that works for each of us.
In her comments Dara went on…

By now I would imagine that all but the unthinking already know what’s not working with other religious teachings and philosophies. Underscoring it seems to be counter-productive and unnecessary. This negative emphasis just doesn’t seem to be in keeping with the CwG teachings.

And to that, Dara, I would say that I do not find it counter-productive at all to underscore what seems to be not working on our planet…with regard to various religious teachings or anything else. In my own view, Dara, the CwG teachings allow plenty of space for dialogue and yes, even critiques, pertaining to the way human beings are living their lives.
If feels to me that we can’t know where we want to go unless we know where we’ve been — and where we are right now.
Meanwhile, a person posting as “iwant2knowtruth” asked…

I just was made aware of your books/teachings recently. I have studied many religions and theologies. Some people get their views on God through “prophets” or people like Mohammed, John Smith, Moses, Jesus, Hare Krishna, or even visions/ outer body experiences, but where do your views on God come from? What is the source of what you define as truth?

My answer is that I do not get my views on God from any source outside of myself — such as those you’ve mentioned. My views come from my inner experience. There, I feel that I have had my own personal conversations with God. The 9 CwG books which have emerged from this conversation each tell us not to “believe” in what the books say, but that we are each having our own conversation with God every minute of every day — and that it is to this voice, to this presence, to this inner wisdom that we might most beneficially turn. So, to answer your question a bit more succinctly: My ‘truth’ comes from Within. And by the way, I know that this is not Truth, with a capital ‘T’. This is just MY truth, MY understanding, MY awareness, MY ideas and concepts and experiences.
Regular contributor and “class” member “Deb Reilly” posts…

God is so much more than my experiences. I am not God. I am not on my way to becoming God. God gives me the right to choose. God is with me as God is with all of us.
God Is. God is not in the process of becoming. God gives us the experience of coming closer to God.

I am having a difference experience, Deb. And with respect, I share with you that my experience is very different from yours. I agree with you that “God is.” But is what? That is the question, Deb. In my view, God is All That Is. There is nothing that is not God. And yes (in my view), God is in the process of expanding; of becoming in every way more and more of what “God is.”
This means that God is “godding”. Or, if your prefer, in the process of “becoming” more and more of what God is.
(More tomorrow.)

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