Where is God when we really need Him? Why is God so silent when we are begging Her for help? How do we get through the hard times with a God who is so distant?
What about the painful moments? Where is God then?
As you know, in this space we are engaged in an ongoing discussion as part of our Sunday School All Week program. This week’s topic has been…Does God exist…?
In response to this question the following message was posted here in the Comments Section of the CWG Blog…

In all your outstanding books Neale, you explained what’s the real meaning of god (the one we choose it to be…). But I don’t remember you explaining what to do when despair and frustration is taking over.
I believe in the same god you presented in your books. The one that experiencing himself thru me. But I’m asking — no…I’m screaming (silently) — for him to help me, to ease the stress, and… nothing… silent….
So on the one hand I know he exists in the most profound manner. And on the other hand, I feel all alone and helpless, waiting for god to reach out and pull my head above the water because its very difficult for me it hold it on my own.
All I want is one little tip

My dear friend…I hear every word you have spoken. As you may know, I, myself, once was forced to live as a Street Person, panhandling for dimes and quarters from those who passed me…usually without wanting to look directly at me. I slept outdoors, in a tent, in a public campground. I showered at public showers in the park, and laundered the few pieces of clothing I had in a coin-operated laundromat on the rare occasion when I had enough coins to spend on something other than food…
I lived like this for just short of one year.
I have also moved through the dissolution of several life partnerships — twosomes that I was certain would last forever. So I know about physical hardships and personal challenges. We all do. For we all have a story to tell, and each story contains sadness and disappointment and dark times.
You have mentioned that when you call out to God, when you ask God to help you ease the stress, what you get in return is…nothing….silence.
My dear friend…it is in the silence that your peace will be found! Why do you think God is sending it to you?
What would you rather have God send you? Tons of words? More thoughts to fill your head? Physical help to solve life problems? That will do nothing! You will only recreate the problems once again! Perhaps in a different form, but the self-same problems when reduced to their lowest common denominator.
Let me explain to you what the basis problem is:
Most people are living life as a Case of Mistaken Identity. Most people imagine that that are human–and forget that they are Divine. (Or, perhaps, never understood that to begin with.)
So many of our religions and cultures teach us that God is “over there” and we are “over here,” and that our job is to get back “over there.” Our challenge, this Ancient Story tells us, is to return to God, and the life that we are living is our Time of Travail, which we must move through in a particular way in order to “get to heaven.”
I am simplifying things here, but this is the way that millions of people think of it. And NOW…HERE IS WHAT IS TRUE…
You are NOT separated from God, and you never have been. Such a thing is impossible, for there is nothing that God is not.
God is all things…the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the up and the down, the left and the right, the here and the there, the before and the after, the high and the low, the fast and the slow, the male and the female, the good and the so-called “bad.”
There are not two things in the Universe. There is only One. This Single Divine Essence is the Energy of Life Itself–and thus, it is Who You Are. It expresses Itself through you, AS you. There is no separation between your Self and It, and by definition there cannot be. Only if God is not truly “God,” only if are really are “children of a lesser God,” can Separation of any kind exist.
Now, my friend, when you understand this, and begin to embody it, you will understand that God is not something outside of yourself that refuses to talk to you or to give you help, but, rather, something inside of yourself that you may call on, and call forth, because it exists in you as You.
This is what God meant when God said…

I am with you always, even unto the end of time.

When you call out to God as if God exists Somewhere Outside Of Your Self, God has no choice but to answer you with silence, because You are saying nothing. You are waiting for an answer and saying nothing, doing nothing, but waiting. And so, of course, there is nothing…only silence…because the Source from which you seek a response is doing nothing but waiting.
YOU are the Source from which you seek help, my friend – for God is You.
Divinity resides within you, as you, not without you as something other than you. Divinity speaks not a word when you speak not a word. Divinity says not a thing when you say not a thing. Divinity offers no solutions–not even one little “tip”–unless and until you offer yourself a “tip.”
Yet how can you give yourself a tip when you don’t have a notion as to what that “tip” might be? The answer is, you must cultivate the ability to hear that “still small voice within.” You must learn to connect with the Divinity within you. You must learn to connect with your Self.
(I use the word “Self” as a separate word, with a Capital S, to mean the Soul Self, as opposed to the human self that you most-of-the-time imagine yourself to be as you live your Case of Mistaken Identity.)

The first step in connecting with your Divine Self is silence. And that is why God has sent you silence. Whenever you are waiting, you are waiting in silence–and that is good. It means that you have taken the First Step Toward Connection.
Do not bemoan the silence, my friend. Praise it. Welcome it. Embrace it. And move fully into it. For it is in the silence that you will find Divinity; for Divinity, and Divine Wisdom, speaks in the quietest voice. You must be very quiet to “hear” it. And it may not even be “heard” in the form of actual words, but maybe as feelings, or unformed, undefined and unspoken thoughts.
If you will meditate every day for as long as you find possible–even 15 minutes each morning and evening can do wonders–you can kick the door down and move into what I call Combination with God.
Then you will find that God has never left you, never deserted you, and has merely been waiting, too, just like you! For you and God ARE One! And then you will discover not only peace, and relief from the stress, but amazing solutions and answers to life’s daily conditions and problems. Ideas and inspirations will come to you, and if you will trust these and act on them you will emerge victorious over your troubles in every instance.
You must understand that these troubles have been created BY you FOR you, as part of the eternal process by which you announce and declare, express and fulfill, become and experience Who You Really Are. This is the purpose of all of life. This, and to recreate yourself anew in the next grandest version of that.
For Life is always renewing Itself and enlarging Itself through the process of Life Itself. This we call Evolution. It is the evolution of the human soul. It is God, Godding. It is You, becoming.
Therefore, blessed are the trials and travails of Life, for they are not trials at all, nor are they tribulations, but rather, opportunities, providing you an invitation to once again know and express your True Identity–which is what Life is for.
Do you see? Seek to see that God wanted to know Godself in all of God’s wonder and magnificence, and has created physical life as you experience it as an extraordinary means by which to do that.
So yes, bless, bless, bless all the conditions and circumstances of your life, for in them and through them are you both Found, and Recreated Anew. God will never let you down in this process, for God cannot, as God would then be letting Godself down–and this is something that God will never do!
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