“I want to change the world’s mind about God.” That’s the answer I give whenever I am asked — as I was yesterday in a radio interview — what my mission in the world is.
Sounds pretty outlandish, in terms of its size, doesn’t it? Do I really think that I, one little old person here, can change the mind of the world about God??? Yes, I do. Not alone, of course, but with the help of my friends.
What is your life mission? Do you have one? Is there something larger than yourself that you would like to pour yourself into? Something outlandish that you would like to accomplish? If your answer is yes, good for you (and good for us.) If your answer is, well, gosh, I haven’t thought about things in those terms, then I want to suggest that you do.

Life was meant to be lived extraordinarily. And we don’t know how much time we have here. We could be gone tomorrow. And so we get to use each moment, each minute, each hour of each day in a way that bespeaks the wonder of who we are…or we can throw those moments away, wasting them on watching TV, or browsing the Internet for three hours.
I know someone whose addicted to YouTube. Really. I’m being serious. This person I know gets on YouTube and can’t get off. And I’ll admit, there’s some fascinating stuff there…but really. I mean, really. You have a life to live.
Unless you don’t.
Unless your life is made up of sitting in front of your computer, glassy-eyed over YouTube.
There’s a contribution you’re in a position to make. We’re all in that position. All of us have something to offer that can make life better for the Whole. What is that for you? Have you figured that out yet? It may be something that you don’t think you can actually do, something you don’t figure you can really achieve or accomplish, so maybe you’re just letting it sit there, in the corner of your mind, unattended except in your occasional moments of quiet frustration…
Pull it out of there. Pull it out of that dim corner and bring it out into the daylight, set it up as your target and go for it. Here’s the great secret of life: It doesn’t matter whether you hit the target or not. But you absolutely will not hit it, I guarantee it, if you don’t even try.
So what are you aiming at? That’s my question today. What is your life purpose? What is your life goal? What is your life mission? Is it bigger than you or smaller than you? Is it something you can easily handle, or something that challenges you are every level of your being?
Oh, and by the way, it doesn’t have to be something exterior to yourself. It can be an inner goal. It also doesn’t have to be limited. It can be both an inner goal and an outer goal! You can have two objectives. One for you soul and one for your body.
More on this on Monday, as we look closely at life in a short series of blogs I am beginning today. I’d like to explore here in the days just ahead, the meaning and the purpose and the function of life.
Hmmm. Nothing grandiose, mind you. Just your normal blog topic…
Make it a good day!
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