Sunday is Message Day on the blog. Monday through Friday we look at contemporary events and day-to-day occurrences at the intersection of Life and the New Spirituality…but on Sunday, we reserve this space for a specific teaching derived from the material in Conversations with God
Through the years I have given hundreds of talks and written scores of articles revolving around this material. Every seven days we will present in this space a transcript or reprint of one of those presentations. We invite you to Copy and Save each one of them, creating a personal a collection of contemporary and uplifting spiritual thought which you may reference at any time. We hope you will find this a constant source of insight and inspiration.

This week’s offering: We live within a System; Life is a system!
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It’s interesting to be me. I’ve just decided that. It’s just plain interesting to be me. You know why? I wake up many mornings with the weirdest things in my head.
This morning, for instance, at 4:20 in the morning I could not sleep another wink. My mind was racing, filled to overflowing with thoughts. They were thoughts about life and the nature of Ultimate Reality. At last, I couldn’t stand it any more. I had to open my laptop and start getting them out. I had to.
And you, I’m afraid, are going to have to suffer for it…
So here we go. Today’s thoughts, from Down Under, at 4:30 in the morning, in Sydney, Australia…
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AND THE VOICE SAID: Today I shall tell you everything there is to know about Life. (Or, at least, everything that you’ll be able to understand Right Now.)
We live within a System. We are this System. This System is run by a Process. We are this Process. This Process is fueled by Energy. We are this Energy.
There is nothing else going on.
There are one or two words that can be (and have been variously) used to describe this whole Cosmology. The word Life comes to mind. Then, as we elevate our thinking (which humans are prone to do), the word God. Both words refer to the Same Thing. You could say, with accuracy, “God is Energy.” Or, “God is a Process.” Or, “God is a System.” You could say, with accuracy, “Life is Energy.” Or, “Life is a Process.” Or, “Life is a System.”
Conversations with God says: God is a Process, and that Process is Life Itself. This statement is accurate.
So let’s explore this Process that God Is and that We Are.
It is a Process of Energy Exchange.
Energy — which is the Pure Essence of All That Is, All That Ever Was, and All That Ever Shall Be — is constantly being Exchanged. With what? With Itself. It never reaches outside of Itself. It could not if It wanted to, because nothing outside of Itself exists. That is, this Pure Essence is the All In All. It is the Sum Total of Everything. It is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Before and the After, the Up and the Down of It, the Left and the Right of It, the Here and the There of It, the Now and the Then. It is the Sum and the Substance, the Creator and the Created, the Unified and the Individuated, It is the Unmoved Mover,
This Energy exchanges Itself with Itself in a never-ending Process that has built into it a Self-Sustaining Design, or a System. The Process is not helter-skelter. It is not catch-as-catch-can. The Process knows what It is doing and It is doing it deliberately.
There is a Synergism to this Process, and it is that Synergism which renders the process eternally sustainable. Within this Process nothing is wasted. Nothing is lost. Nothing goes unused. Everything is fuel. And the fuel is reburnable.
I call the re-burning of Life’s Fuel Synergistic Energy eXchange — or S.E.X.
We are having SEX everywhere, all the time. No two people every meet without exchanging this Energy. Trust me. The question is never, Are we exchanging this Energy? The question is, What are we going to do with it…?
In human terms we call this Synergistic Energy eXchange the Cycle of Life. Indeed, it is the energy exchange which creates Life Itself. Our description is accurate.
In truth, it is impossible to create what we call New Life. All we can really do is cause the Life (Energy) that is eternally present to emerge in a New Form. This is exactly what Stars do in the heavens.
The evidence of all that I have just said is right up in the sky. (We know this, of course. That is why we intuitively look “to the heavens” when we think of “God.” That is why ours eyes instinctively go upward when we are thinking deeply, or desperately seeking help. Do you think this is an accident? It is not. At a cellular level, we know.)
In our case, in the case of this particular Solar System, we are looking at what we have called The Sun. (It is not a happenstance that earlier civilizations worshiped the Sun — and that some people still do today.)
The Sun is giving up its Life for us. It is burning Itself out, right now. True, it may take a few more billion years, but that is What It Is Doing. Make no mistake about it. That is what is going on.
One day the Light Will Go Out. Not to worry, though…

…Life in its minescule expression known as Humanity will by that time have figured this whole thing out and will have been Long Gone. We will have found a way to harness the very energy that the Sun is sending us to get out of the Sun’s way when it finally implodes in its last burst of energy, then becoming a Black Hole. We will long before then have used that energy to propel ourselves to a New Star System, where a much younger Sun, perhaps one Just Born, will guarantee our species a few more billion years of survival in pretty much our present form. And when that Sun approaches Final Burst, we will move on again, like nomads of the Universe, like gypsies of the stars, like humans have done on this very earth, traipsing around for food (read that: energy) when the local supply runs out.
What do you suppose we are eating here…? We are eating sunlight. That is what all food is. Nothing more than stored sunlight. It is not only plants that engage in the Process of photosynthesis, but all of us, everything. The Earth Itself does. We are absorbing energy from the Sun, and radiating it back out again. This is how flowers bloom. This is how trees grow. This is how planets become.

There is a huge boiler inside our planet, lying at its core. Sometimes a tiny bit of this core material oozes out, cooling considerably on its way, but still emerging as white hot molten lava. This core material is hotter than hot. It is the direct energy of the Sun, cooled at its fringes as it spewed forth to form the crust of what we now call The Earth.
As it cooled, some of this Energy liquefied. We call this oil (among other things). Some of this Energy solidified. We call this minerals (among other things). Some of this Energy gasified. We call this hydrogen and oxygen (among other things). Some of this Energy vaporized. We call this ozone (among other things). Some of this Energy miniaturized and stored Itself in just about Everything. We call this vitamins (among other things). Some of this Energy maximized and showed Itself in just about Everything. We call this the Planet Itself (among other things).
We are this Energy, individualized. We are part of this eternal Process of Energy Exchange. In a sense, we eat ourselves in order to sustain ourselves. We are all the same thing at our basis, so no matter what we eat, we are eating ourselves. We need vitamins, so we eat plants and animals, and minerals and oils (fish oil capsules are very big these days). We draw the line at consuming ourselves — but cannibals once even did this, being so primitive as to not understand that eating one’s own species was not self-sustaining. When primitive humans finally figured this out, we took Each Other off the menu. Now we are gradually taking other Life Forms off the menu as well. Vegetarianism is, of course, the outflow of that. The day may very well come when we take every Life Form on this planet off the menu. We will simply get our Energy directly from the Sun.
This may seem far-fetched to some, but it does not seem so to Hira Ratan Manek. You will find it interesting to Google Mr. Manek, and read what you find there.
The eyes are not merely the instruments through which we see. They are the instruments through which we intake Energy. They work in that capacity even if we are blind. They are the portals through which Life is Absorbed. They are not the only portals, not the only way we absorb Life Energy. But they are the Most Direct Route. Which is why Hira Ratan Manek insists that if we just look at the sun a few minutes each day, we can get most of what we are eating things to get. And we can get it faster. Because when we eat things — when we consume plants and trees and minerals and animals — we have to first convert these substances to extract the Sun Energy that is stored there. By sun gazing, Mr. Manek suggests, we absorb sunlight directly, without having to convert it through any internal (and energy using) digestive process.
(A word of caution however: most Sun Gazers say to look at the Sun only during the few moments around Sunrise and Sunset, to protect the eyes from permanent after-image and other possible retina damage. And please note: I am not here, in any way, shape, or form suggesting or endorsing the process of Sun Gazing.)
Having said that, we all know already of the benefits of sunlight. When we feel sick, it is common for those around us to say, “C’mon, you need to get out in the sun.” And sunlight deprivation is now being recognized as a dis-eased condition, which medical science and modern technology has found a way to treat. SAD (or Seasonal Affective Disorder) is now treated with Full Sectrum Lighting, among other things, to give people what they are missing from not getting enough sun.
Do we really think it is a coincidence that sunbathers are inordinately healthy? Go to any nudist colony expecting (hoping?) to see lots of nubile naked bodies running around, but don’t be surprised if you see that the majority of nudists are people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s, exercising and swimming and playing volleyball and having the time of their life inside of healthy, vibrant bodies that are absorbing more Sunlight in one day than most of us do in one month.
In my blog here next week, I will talk more about the Process of Synergist Energy eXchange that we call Life Itself — and that some people call God. I want to talk about the idea that what we take in is what we put out, and I want to invite you to monitor closely the type of Energy that you are absorbing into your System every day.
Life IS a System, and there is a way to go about changing your life, improving your life, systematically. This “way” is what some people have called…The Secret.
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