Saturday is Prose & Poetry Day here on the blog, a time to take a moment once a week to relax the mind, open the heart, and access the soul through the gift of prose from one of the many books of The New Spirituality, and through the poetry of m. Claire, author of the forthcoming volume, Openings.
This week’s prose…an excerpt from The New Revelations

Let’s call this the First New Revelation:
God has never stopped communicating directly with human beings. God has been communicating with and through human beings from the beginning of time. God does so today.
This is what you can tell others when they ask you, “What are these news ideas you would like us to consider? What is it that we may not know, the knowing of which could change everything?”
What I am inviting you to do is to change your belief about this. Let go of your idea that God ever stopped communicating directly with human beings. Be willing to consider a new thought about it—the thought that God is talking to everyone all the time.
Can you do that? Can you hold the space of that possibility?

I’m trying.

You can’t “try.” If you wish to have the experience that you say you wish to have, if you truly wish to be one of those who assists in changing the self-destructive direction in which your world is heading, you must do more than “try.” You must do it.
You asked me if I would do something. You asked me if I would help you. You asked me if I could give you some tools with which you could join in changing the world.


Well, I’m going to invite you to do something.


Use the tools that I give you.
Do not say that you are “trying” to use them. Do not do as some others have done and dismiss them as not being the “right” tools, or lay them aside, saying they are “too difficult” to use.
I would not give you these tools if I did not know you could use them. It is not my function to frustrate you or to test you. (Nor to punish you if you do not meet the test.)
It is my function to glorify you, and so, to glorify Me. For only in the glory of you will the glory of Me be found. Only through the wonder of you will the wonder of Me be made known. Only through Life Itself, expressed in its next grandest way, can Life Itself be experienced in such a way.

I am ready! I am inspired and I am ready! I will do it. I will shed any last remaining doubt. I will move into full faith and knowing. I am willing for a new understanding of God and Life to now be brought forth, and I am completely open to the possibility that this can happen.

Good. Because now I’m going to ask you to open the Space of Possibility even wider.


I’m going to ask you to be open to the possibility that new understandings and new revelations can be brought forth, and are being brought forth, through you.

Yes, I understand that is what you are asking me. Yet that could feel so…self-serving, so self-aggrandizing, and so…heavy a burden.

It will only feel that way if you think that you are the only one given such abilities.
Such an idea would require you to think of yourself, and even to declare yourself, as someone special. Someone more special than anyone else.
You are someone special, but you are not more special than anyone else.
So know that you do not have to feel burdened, or somehow totally responsible for bringing to the world the New Message it awaits. For all people everywhere are capable of bringing forth this new message, sharing this new understanding, and revealing this new truth.

If that is true, everybody everywhere could claim to be the New Messenger of God. How do we sort it all out? To whom shall we listen?

Listen to no human who declares himself or herself to be more special than anyone else.
If a man or a woman seeks to set himself or herself separate and apart from the rest of
humanity, or claims to be higher or better or holier than the rest of humanity, by declaring themself to be “more than” or “greater than” others, or to be the messiah, or the savior, or the only true parents of humanity, or the only true prophet, or any other such exalted thing, run from them as fast as you can.
Yet if men or women declare themselves to be messengers of God even as you all are messengers of God, and saviors even as you all are saviors, and holy even as you are all holy, then listen to them carefully, for they will not tell you to follow them, but to follow the God who lives within you.
For it is within your heart and within your soul and in the deepest reaches of your own mind that Divinity resides, and it is there in which it will be found, and only there in which it can be fully experienced, and only there from which it can emerge in purity and in truth, and through no other person, place or thing.
Divinity realized through any other person, place or thing is Divinity by Projection. You are witnessing all around you in the outer world the expression of Divinity, but that is not the same as the experience of Divinity.
Never confuse expression with experience.
A beautiful flower is an expression of Divinity, yet only when you see, feel, smell, and touch the beautiful flower that is You can you know the experience of Divinity.
Outer expression can lead to inner experience, but it can never substitute for it. Yet when inner experience leads to outer expression, the circle is complete—and this is the purpose of Life, and the function of the World, and of the entire Universe as well.

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This week’s gift of poetry
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Such a Fiction
they’ll say –
such a Travesty;
a Burlesquing.
So they’ll speak, of This Ancient Bond.
But I’ll light a Kindling, Love.
And I’ll make a Fire, Love.
And with Everyone comfortably
seated around
the Dream
when You are gone,
I’ll help them come to know You, Love.
Help them bury, all that they mistook.
And raise in their fists, every Rosary you Were.
Oh the Masses, my Love
they are always the same.
Lifetime after Lifetime, the same.
But the few, the Cursed
and Committed –
They will Answer.
It’s a selfish song –
the One We Sing.
It’s a slap and a kick
to most everyone.
No one speaks of the whip;
of the sting
of a Master
do they?
Not when a sunrise is happening.
Not when a gruel is being poured.
But the Few who Come
to Bid God’s Tongue
a Voice:
they need Their Other.
Like a looking glass
that is God.
A looking glass,
That Is God.

‘A Looking Glass’ – m. Claire
(Copyright 2007 – All Rights Reserved)

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