Should spirituality and spiritual expression include political action? Many people believe that God and Politics should not be mixed, and that God work and the “real world” are two different things.
Especially among some “new age” people, I hear about how “there’s nothing we have to do except BE.”
The idea here is that if we all just BE love, just BE kindness, just BE compassion, etc., everything will take care of itself. There is also the thought, popular among new agers, that “everything is perfect” and that nothing, therefore, needs to be adjusted in our outer world.
I would like to revisit this discussion here this week.
We shall start today with an exchange of emails that I once had on this subject, with a CwG reader whose name I have changed to Martha…

Dear Neale….
I’m writing with a question that has really been puzzling me. And, so I’ll get right to it. I’m not quite sure if I can even communicate what I really want to ask, but I will try my hardest.
If we are to always be loving and considerate of each soul’s path (this is what I choose), then why all the concern in your public comments and writings with “the state of the world”? This is very confusing to me. It sounds like there’s an agenda here of promotion rather than attraction, and I became concerned as I usually tend to shy away from evangelical preaching of “the end of the world”. In fact, the main attraction for me in CwG messages is that there was none of that… no judgment… no “you have to’s”… no “it’s the end of the world and you better be worried”.
You talked also about the bible being taught in the school in Odessa, TX and although I am against that, I don’t understand the urgency in changing it… I mean, who cares? Is it possible that their souls have a purpose that you’re not seeing? Or maybe the “opportunity” in this case has not been recognized either.

Maybe I’m reading into something that’s not there in your recent writings from and your blog… if so, that’s ok too… I was just confused by all this, so I talked to Floyd, my friend who is also totally changed by God’s messages in CwG. He agreed that he too was struggling with this stuff.
With all that said…. I would like for you to know that because of your courage to “be still and listen”, my life has changed dramatically…. I mean, all I can say is WOW. Thank you.
Martha No Name, from Louisiana
Dear “Martha”…. Your letter asks a very important question: What not just do nothing?
There is, of course, no reason to do anything, unless we see this life that we are living as an opportunity to decide and declare, express and experience, become and fulfill Who We Really Are. If we DO see life in THAT WAY, then there very definitely WOULD be a reason to “do something” about the way in which the world is showing up right now.
CwG says that the purpose of life is to recreate ourselves anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever we held about who we are. It also says, rather importantly, I think: “Every act is an act of self-definition.”
The human race collectively, and you and I individually, are enaged currently in redefining Who We Are. In terms of our collective reality, this will be done by those who are clear about Who We Are, and who would choose for our collective human reality to reflect that. Who we are is Love, and I choose for our collective reality to reflect that. Everywhere it does not, I choose to step in and do what I can to change the prevailing creation.
For instance: If I was walking down the street and saw three teenage ruffians accosting an elderly lady and trying to snatch her handbag from her, would I “do something”? Or would I stand by and watch this happen, saying that I must allow each person to walk his path?
If I heard a bump in the night and got up to find someone inside my home, holding my daughter at knifepoint and threatening to rape her, would I “do something”? Or would I step back, stand by, and say, “although I am against that, I don’t understand the urgency in changing it… I mean, who cares? Is it possible that their souls have a purpose that you’re not seeing?”
Of course not. I would not react in such a way, and, incidentally, neither would you.
The only difference between us now is that I see the EARTH having its purse snatched. I see the WORLD being threatened with rape, with a knife being held to the throat of humanity.
You apparently don’t see this. You look at the same circumstance that I look at, and you see something that we should just step back and “allow,” in the name of a non-interfering kind of spirituality. You would NEVER take such a “I don’t get the urgency” attitude if these things were happening in your HOME. You simply think of the world at large in a different way. I do not.
I see the world as my home, and all it’s people as my family. When you do, as well, our reactions will be exactly the same.
I believe that thousands and thousands of people are sitting out there, Christy, feeling the way you and I feel about what we would like our collective reality to look like, but many are saying what you seem to be saying….”There’s nothing to do but just let it all ‘unfold’ as it will,”….or….”There’s no urgency here. Let everyone walk their path.”
Meanwhile, people are urgently forming terrorist groups and urgently attempting to create the world the way THEY want it to be.
The challenge of our world today, Martha, is that the civil are not organized, and the organized are not civil.
Perhaps you are willing to concede the creation of tomorrow to those whose agenda for humanity is radically different from your own—an agenda filled with hatred, anger, violence, and domination—but I am not. Like Jesus when he chased the money-changers out of the Temple with a whip of rope tied in knots, I intend to do what it takes to maintain the sacredness of this space that we have as our temple, called the Earth.
I am curious, by the way. What would you have said to Jesus after he finished chasing the money-changers out with a scourge? “Gosh, Jesus, what are you so upset about? Let them BE. All they want to Do is desecrate the Temple. For goodness sake, what’s all the urgency here—?”
I don’t think so, Martha. I don’t think you would have said that to Jesus. I think you would have said, “Nice going.” And if I came into your home and chased the intruder out of your daughter’s bedroom, I don’t think you would say to me, “Gosh, Neale, what’s all the urgency about? Gee, relax.” Nope. I think you would say, “Nice going, Neale. Thank you for taking some action.”
There comes a time when we have to step out of our “spiritual malaise” and put our beliefs on the ground in the form of specific actions. CwG says, Martha, that there are THREE Levels of Creation. Three, Martha, not one. They are: Thought, Word, and Action.
I hope this clarifies for you why I speak about our role in the world today with a sense of commitment and urgency.
Any other person who would like to join in being part of the change that we all wish to see in our world is invited right now to go to nealedonaldwalschcom and download a free 130-page booklet I have written called PART OF THE CHANGE: Your Role as a Spiritual Helper. It offers you ten steps that can launch your personal role and increase your personal effectiveness as a change agent in our world.
Thank you for your sincere inquiry, “Martha.” I appreciate you very much. I hope I have inspired you to join The Group of 1000! ( God bless you and those you love.
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If you have enjoyed the reading here, there is still time to join us on…
The Conversations with God
OCTOBER 13-20, 2007
This is going to be a very special time, a wonderful
opportunity for us to spend quality moments together, in close
personal contact. Our group will have exclusive use of the entire ship.

The program for this very special cruise will be highly focused
on taking the next step in personal and spiritual development
and creating a new sense of life purpose for your
remaining years on earth.
Many people are now making a transition (or desiring to do so)
from lives of striving and acquiring to lives of
creating and giving.
They wish to return the goodness that
God has given them. They seek to create a more peaceful world
and a more harmonious personal life — with intimate partnerships
that truly live up to the promise of love, a life work that has real
meaning and offers fulfillment, and a relationship with themselves
and with God that brings peace to their soul at last.
This is THE NEXT STEP: Applying the Messages of
Conversations with God in Your Daily Life,
extraordinary exploration of New Spirituality principals in the
context of our 9-to-5 reality.
* How to make your life, from morning to night, a
Conversation with God
* Giving up “work” and finding Right Livelihood
* Your true relationship to money; what makes it
come without effort and what can make it “stay away”
no matter what you do
* The Journey of Loving Relationships — understanding
the purpose, healing the hurts, holding the promise and
* Creating a sacred, exciting, and inspiring purpose for
your existence, increasing your clarity and confidence
in the face of change and uncertainty; stepping into
communion with God.
If you have wanted to bring the breathtaking
messages of the extraordinary CwG material into your
day-to-day experience in a way that will change your
life — and could even change the world — you will want
to notice that it is no accident that news of this
wonderful program has come to you.

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