Friday is Book Day on the blog, when we take a look at books – old and new — that I highly recommend you not miss. This week’s recommended reading: The New TNT: Miraculous Power Within You, by Harold Sherman.
This might seem like a strange book for me to recommend to you today, given that it is quite old. It was written in 1966. I am recommending it to you nonetheless, because this is one of the books that changed my life. I consider it a seminal text in Early New Thought — and I must admit that I have a bias for it, because after I read it in the late Sixties I wrote to the author n care of his publisher (Prentice-Hall) and by golly if the author didn’t write back to me!

This was long before e-mail, of course, and so, when Mr. Sherman’s very kind handwritten note was delivered to my snail-mail box I ecstatic — and impressed.
This book was the one that first awakened me to the power of my mind, and to my companionship with the Universe in the process of pure creation. There have been so many books written on this general topic through the years, but this little gem is one of my favorites — principally because the information in it is so accessible.
Harold here writes about the power of your mind. He offers clear, simple, and exciting instructions on how to use your own thought process to create your individual reality.I understand that in this day and time there is nothing new about any of this. So much of this has been revealed now in the more contemporary works by messengers such as Esther and Jerry Hicks, who were the first to popularize the phrase ” the Law of Attraction,” and, of course, the movie called “The Secret contained much of the same information. Still, this spritely written text by Harold Sherman is sure to please. It makes things very, very clear. And I remember that the book got me so very excited that I began using its lessons and instructions almost at once.
We may think we know all there is to know on these topics, but I have found that it is always wonderful to hear someone who has had great success with these tools explain to us how that success was achieved it. Even today I find great value in reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Reverend Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. And I would place this book by Harold Sherman in the same category of exciting and inspiring texts which can absolutely change your life if you fervently believe and consistently apply its ideas, suggestions, and concepts in your daily life.
Obviously, you’re not going to find this book at your local bookstore. If you get lucky, you might find it in a used bookstore somewhere. But the best way I know how to acquire this book is to simply go to an online bookstore such as (which, incidentally, lists this particular title) and see if you can pick up a new or used copy.
You’ll be glad you did. I predicted you’ll be not only a well-informed, but inspired, uplifted, and motivated to begin using the tools that we all really know about, but that so few of us actually utilize in the day-to-day of our lives. That’s what reading Harold Sherman did for me. As I said earlier, it made me excited to really get down to business and start using the tools of which I had already been aware. This book is perfect for those who have been slow to move and a bit sluggish in their determination to use the power of their mind to create particular outcomes in their moment-to-moment reality.
Also, it’s fun to read this text, written some 40 years ago, and compare it to what is being put out there today and what is being said in The Secret. Reinforcement is always good, and this neat little volume by Harold is terrifically reinforcing on all levels.
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If you have enjoyed the reading here, you may wish to know about…
The Conversations with God
OCTOBER 13-20, 2007
This is going to be a very special time, a wonderful
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Many people are now making a transition (or desiring to do so)
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extraordinary exploration of New Spirituality principals in the
context of our 9-to-5 reality.
* How to make your life, from morning to night, a
Conversation with God
* Giving up “work” and finding Right Livelihood
* Your true relationship to money; what makes it
come without effort and what can make it “stay away”
no matter what you do
* The Journey of Loving Relationships — understanding
the purpose, healing the hurts, holding the promise and
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your existence, increasing your clarity and confidence
in the face of change and uncertainty; stepping into
communion with God.
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