Wednesday is Question and Answer Day on the blog…a time for exploring many of the questions that people have recently asked about the nine Conversations with God books and the New Spirituality. Here’s this week’s entry…
Topic: Is life just pointless?
Question asked by: Cindy Seabrook
Question: Hi Neale. I’m reading Home with God and my head is reeling.

I find myself feeling once again and asking once again – is this all pointless? I’ve just finished reading the section where God uses the metaphor of the ‘Applorange’ (term you coined:-) to describe the cycle of ‘life’ and ‘death’. My question is; why endeavour to remember who we really are, and to experience that, just to die and come back just to ‘forget’.
If the purpose is to experience the next grandest version of the highest vision of ourselves, then why when at the point of death, the core of ourselves, when this all makes sense (where knowing and experiencing meet), why would we choose to come back and forget ALL that we have remembered just to try and re-member again.
Here you, Neale Donald Walsch, are, experiencing a life time of such amazing enlightenment, which you are sharing with us and which we are using for our own enlightenment – and we’re all getting wiser and enlightened – then we die and it all becomes clear. Then we choose to be reborn only to have to start again! And we do this forever and ever! For eternity.
The thing which is perplexing me is the lives that we choose for ourselves (before we are re-born that it). We again start with the struggles and the pain and the confusion etc…etc… to get to a point where in that life time we get to a point where we become more conscious and enlightened, then die and be in that awesome place – just to create a re-birth in which it is all forgotten AGAIN.
It’s just seeming a bit pointless to me. Why are we not reborn with the knowledge we gained in the previous lifetime? Why is it that we choose to be reborn with all of the obstacles again?
I hope this makes sense and I’m getting the point of my frustration across.
Much love, humility and appreciation!!!
Neale’s Response: Don’t worry, Cindy, you are getting your frustration across.
Cindy, I don’t think that anything in HOME WITH GOD says that we start over each time totally forgetting everything that we just came to understand. If I read the dialogue correctly, I think it indicates…

…just the opposite — that we reincarnate in order to experience what we have just come to understand. The movement from the Spiritual to the Physical is a movement from Knowing to Experiencing.
I do understand your frustration around the fact that we apparently enter into “selective forgetting” in order to move into selective experiencing of Who We Are in all of its many aspects. Yet when you see this as a blessed part of the whole joyous process, you no longer feel frustration around it, but see it as the formula by which you recreate yourself anew. That is, experience yourself once again as that which you always were.
May I become a bit “adult”, a bit graphic here? I don’t seem to care how many times I make love with a woman. I am happy to do it over and over again, even though I have done it many times before.
“Life” is making love with the universe. You get to do it over and over again. And even if I actually “forgot” how to make love, it would not bother me. I would be happy to have some woman teach me how to do it all over again.
I remember the old joke about the woman who was absolutely insatiable. Finally her partner said, “Gosh, how many nights do I have to do this until you’re totally happy?” And the lady replied, “You’ll do it until you get it right.”
Such a circumstance would not meet with my disapproval.
(Ask Neale may be accessed on a daily basis in the Messengers’ Circle at Neale’s personal website: Each week Neale selects a question from those posted there and publishes it in this blog.)

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