a few days ago, commenting on the absurd and desperate attacks on Obama by the Right for, of all things, his utterly conventional and reasonable nuclear policy, Daniel Larison asked the not-quite-rhetorical question, One wonders where Republican hawks can possibly go from here. They have almost three more years of an Obama Presidency to endure,…

And there it is – officially the law of the land: Television networks actually broke their daytime coverage to show the historic signing. Vice President Biden is reputed to have added, “This is a big f$%king deal” – seriously! (no s^!t, Joe.) There was a moment yesterday of well-deserved recognition for Speaker Pelosi, who has…

The latest salvo in the Republicans’ War on Muslims comes as a two-fer – simultaneously an attempt to delegitimize the health care debate and the use of a cheap stereotype of radical Islam, in the form of a cartoon: There seems to be an affinity for cartoons among Islamophobes. And that’s exactly what the cartoon…

Back in 2005, the then-majority Republicans were the ones who insisted that filibusters were obstructing the will of the people and that the Senate had a democratic obligation to do an “up or down vote”. Today, the Republicans are the minority and they have obstructed health care desperately needed by Americans for no reason other…

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