I’m snacking on roasted, sliced beets as we speak, and… there’s nothing better. Nothing to them, either.

I did peel them while they were raw this time (I had one bunch of red beets, one bunch golden). Then I sliced them (you can grate), and spread the pieces on an un-oiled cookie sheet, spritzed a nice olive oil on top, and tossed sea salt around like fairy dust. After the beet slices had baked in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or so, they got brown at the edges, and a little leathery. If you’ve sliced them thinner, they get crisp. They’re so delicious. You can roast any root vegetable like this, and the most wonderful smell will fill your winter kitchen. I roasted rutabagas for my elderly dad over the weekend while visiting him in South Carolina. Big hit.

Here’s Amy Topel’s excellent guide to beets and roasted beet recipes in The Green Guide. Here’s a highly nutritious recipe for a roasted beet, beet green, and orange salad from Epicurious.com.

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