You know, this Chattering Mind blog is currently attracting some 25,000 unique visitors a month. And usually, you readers are a relatively quiet bunch. But inspiring chatter was indeed released by my three-part series on the clutter we keep in our closets and basements! My play-ZZTop-to-your-stagnating-garbage suggestion really hit ya’ll in the right spot! I find it remarkable that worldly possessions are such real-life burdens, and that keeping our living spaces free of stuff we don’t use is indeed a spiritual challenge.

“I am in great need of being able to tackle the clutter that I have held onto for decades. I ask for prayerful guidance and the energy to go to it,” wrote one anonymous reader.

Wrote Eva: “As we Jews are approaching the New Year, glorified by the Day of Atonment…cleaning our our spiritual closet…is exactly what the Holy days of Awe are all about.”
Myrna said that she could use a “daily or weekly prayer specifically on our shared need to clean out old energy.” Good idea.

Said Patty: “I lost my father-in-law, husband and both parents in 3 years time. You want to talk clutter, and it’s not all mine. How do I part with their lives? A lot of us need help.”

Laurie wrote of the house cleaning we all inspired: “The first thing to go? The old, dried petals from the roses that my ex-husband gave me ten years ago–the only time he gave me flowers. Wow! Now that was a purge–and as I spread them on my garden, I did so with a prayer that his new marriage will be fulfilling and joyous for both of them…I released many old dreams with those petals, and many of the things surrounding that container began to take on new significance…Namaste.”


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