If you are fatigued by those “Seven Days to Better Abs” articles (too often advanced by women’s magazines with chocolate cake photos on their covers), this month’s Vegetarian Times features an article by Shelley Levitt that will assist you in finding a fitness regimen that will satisfy your spiritual longings and bring your body closer to where you might want it. That’s the key! If you’re not getting something deeper than muscle tone, you’re apt not to stick with any new exercise routine.

Study your deepest goals and priorities, Levitt suggests. For instance, if you want to “quietly decompress after a demanding day,” you are best suited for walking, running, biking, swimming, or slow-paced yoga. If you “crave company,” your exercise routine should include team sports and group fitness classes or charity runs. If you want to feel “focused and strong,” try weight training, martial arts, kick-boxing, or power yoga. If you want to “connect to your sensual self,” try dance class, Pilates, or Vinyasa yoga.

In short, if you try to make your spirit fit a method that is unrewarding to you, you’re going to quit. If you search, find, and fulfill your deepest self, your exercise routine will fast become one of the best parts of your life.

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