With Israel in for another volatile right-wing government term, I’m replacing the pressure I feel with a more focused look on medical astrology. I wasn’t always a nervous over-thinker; I used to be a peaceful Vancouverite in Canada, minding my own business with the Pacific kelp, daydreaming, recycling, and cycling to work. Destiny had me marry my ex-husband, the Israeli—not me.

I am glad, though.

My three girls can stand up to take credit as the colossally positive group event that changed the game plan forever. Geography just happened to be part of the bargain. So be it, I’m Israeli. But this is not a piece on politics—it’s about astrology and health. I recently left an editorial career to focus on cosmology and healing. This act changed my life in remarkable ways.

In the work by the Limbourg brothers below, we see the anatomical-astrological human. The painting shows clearly how the signs of the zodiac govern each part of the body, and the Latin inscriptions in the four corners describe corresponding elements and attitudes that complement the four directions:

“Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are warm and dry, choleric, masculine, Eastern in the upper left; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are cold and dry, melancholy, female, Western in the upper right; Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are hot and humid, sanguine, masculine, Southern in the lower left; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are cold and wet, phlegmatic, feminine, Northern in the lower right.”

Information on disharmony and its underlying cause(s) can be gleaned from the natal chart, leading to appropriate treatment methods and the optimal time to start the healing process.


As an intuitive astrologer, I come across the oddest bits of potential gold sitting placidly on the sidelines of energetically blocked people. My own chart shows blocks, the new neighbor’s chart shows blocks, and they even show in the astonishingly dreamy couple’s chart who finally married after 20 years of cohabitation—in a tent.

I took an oath three weeks ago:

Universe, I do solemnly swear to uphold your laws for the good of humankind, to the best of my abilities, from this day forward until I pass through your undoubtedly groovy portal into the Ether.

Each person has an intimately different approach to reaching his or her health and wellness goals. Often inappropriate attention is the toxin that steals our energy and blocks the route to well-being. Typical examples include excessive worry, co-dependency, and eating habits working against one’s unique metabolism. Any one imbalance can stress the entire health system. If left unattended, fatigue, sickness or injury can result. In my work, I distract the overused attention by working out a better route through harmonious aspects present in the chart. Think GPS for the soul!


Astrologically speaking, we can localize the blockage/pattern/habit by keeping it in mind for transformation, but more on inner alchemy in another post. By redirecting our natural elements, we prepare ourselves for simple changes. We divert the attention given to the pattern by activating other, more favorable, planetary aspects present in the chart often having to do with elemental imbalance. These are the antidotes to toxic blockades drawn from a close analysis of the telling birth chart. An easy yet disciplined series of elemental exercises (earth, air, water, fire) create the diversion, and we’re off to the quietude of the subtle mind… ahhh… One can see the benefits of yogic practice as a common example of systemic change.

Finding the patterns to identify these subjective aspects in the natal chart—whether physical, intellectual, or emotional—is personally how I take five from the stress collected from living in Israel.




One. Stop. Just stop everything you’re doing, even for forty seconds, and focus on the miracle of your breathing. It is an intimate exchange for you alone.

Two. Recognize your space in the world. Let the world breathe with you. Look around and place yourself in your environment as an equal material energy. Practice self compassion.

Three. Place your attention on an issue that you feel blocks full, interactive living. Prepare this issue for transformation by letting it know things are about to change.

Four. Breathe in this issue with a long, healthy lungful of love; breathe out this issue with the same love and the intent to feel free. Nostril breathing is especially effective.

Five. Smile with every cell in your body.

This exercise can take 10 seconds or 10 days! If we observe ourselves regularly, a clarity appears and our schedule for transformation will show itself. How these blockages occur is unique to each individual, explaining why one method of healing does not meet everyone’s needs.

For me, medical astrology acts as the tracker-topographer of my inner volcanoes waiting to rumble and trip me up. The trick is to engage their energy before the explosion and to use that magmatic power to energize an authoritative mercurial attention that lies in equal waiting—invisible if it were not for the stopping, recognizing, internalizing, breathing, and smiling.

Take five…

High five!

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