Willaru Huayta is a well respected spiritual guide who makes his way through the world, honoring the deep and abiding connection with Spirit, the Earth, and its inhabitants. According to his website  “He was born into the Quetchua tribe in a village high in the Andes mountains. Though raised as a child in a life customary to the Andean highlands, Willaru began his own personal spiritual quest as a young adult. It was only after Willaru went deep into the Amazon jungle, that he was able to find and explore the true knowledge held deep within his heart.”
A humble man, he claims to be “a student of life, rather than a teacher.”  Sharing what he has learned, he expresses:
“Each person is a Sacred Temple.  The altar of  that temple is  the heart.  The fire of  love, a reflection of the greater light,  burns upon this altar. This light  within must be acknowledged and cared for. This is the religion of the Sons of the Sun. It is the universal, cosmic, solar religion.”
His call to those who are willing to hear comes from  book entitled The Awakening…”The door of the sun is opened for all. It shines upon all. All blood is the same color, the color of living fire. We are as flowers of different colors, different aromas. We are brothers and sisters of seven rays.” Within these teachings the gaps between religions, cultures and races dissolve. We become one healing family. “After 2000 years, the sun is rising. Its rays bring health, purity and wisdom for the healing of all humanity. We live in a time of the fulfillment of prophecy.”
Had you come from a lineage in which these teachings came naturally?
That lineage is Inca ray the ray of initiation, many people bring from their past lives some love and wisdom and in their childhood it manifests naturally.
From my childhood I had many dreams that I was living in the Inca Times within a monastery. I was missing to get spiritual education in the modern school. I did not like kind of education in my school, It was too superficial. Later on when I was 28 years old, I have started to awaken spiritualy when I was traveling in Europe.
Has exploration of the cosmos always fascinated you?
Disciples of the Mystery School  don’t get illusion or fascination. To explore in the infinite of the Cosmos it is necessary to wake up our consciousness and eliminate our ego of greed, pride, envy and other personal defects.The spiritual growth and liberation of the consciousness is necessary to navigate in the Cosmos.The exploration in the Cosmos is one of the greatest privileges, Joy and Love.
Was there a pivotal moment when you knew that you needed to communicate what you had learned?
The pivotal moment  began for me in the Amazon jungle; when a lemurian Master  manifested to me  and ordered  me to go to Cusco as a messenger and start comunicating with people of modern society. To be a Master is necessary to teach, learning from the great Masters Gods and teaching, giving wisdom of the father with Love of the mother; who gives receives more.
 How do you translate these teachings in a manner that makes them accessible to people rather than esoteric?
Most people who are walking the spiritual path; are beginning to understand Esoteric language, a lightworker should explain diplomatically the sacred knowledge with details and examples so people will understand .
What is your vision for what can be accomplished by learning what you are sharing?
Humanity wants to change but don’t  know what to change and how to change. Millions of people are looking for transcendental knowledge, transcendental psychology (psicologia transcendental) the short cut to solve their problem, precise knowledge to help them selves and help to others to be a  part of the solution.
 How can we overcome our belief is separation to become, as you say “one healing family”?
By finding the union with your Divine Mother-Father God within yourself, at the temple of the Sacred Heart. Only then you will understand that we are all the same, one family,  only different  expression of the Divine.
Please speak about The Inca Prophecy.
The Inca prophecy says, when the Eagle of the north meets the condor of the south, masters of north and south will share the sacred knowledge to heal their karma and growth spirituality to heal our country, continent and the World. And spirit of Mother Earth will awaken to help us. That’s happening in the Aquarian age since February 04 of 1962.
 Share about the Pachamama concept.
Pachamama is our Cosmic Mother and she lives in the Paradise of the fourth dimension, waiting that we come back to the  temple of the heart and bless us. The contact to Pachamama is through our internal Divine mother of our heart.
You write about the Mother/Father God paradigm; can you elaborate?
Like all humanity, one has one biological father mother with physical body, in the same way every single human being were born with their internal Divine Father and  Mother, very little spiritual light being like a spark light of Divine Love.
Opportunities to delve into these mysteries in the Philadelphia, PA area are available at the end of September.
Awaken to the Ways of Nature and Paths of Transformation
Join Willaru Huayta for a Sharing from the Heart that is guaranteed to evolve and transform your Spiritual practice and your relationships to Self, Significant Others, Community, Spirit and the Divine Evolution toward Light and Love.Dates and Locations:
Friday, Sept. 26th, 10 am – 1 pm: Main Line School Night, Radnor PA http://www.mainlineschoolnight.org/
Saturday, Sept. 27th, 3 – 6 pm: Sama Center, West Chester, PA http://samacenter.com/
Sunday, Sept. 28th, 2 – 5 pm: Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA http://circleofmiracles.org/
Learn more about Willaru at www.inkalight.com
Willaru speaks on many subjects, including Becoming The Cosmic Christ
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