

“Imagine if you loved your life into existence!”- Lee Richard McCormick

When I saw these wise words this morning, an uh huh, of course, no brainer smile spread across my face. What else could we do, but that? So many people feel as if they are unwitting and unwilling victims of life circumstances, always at the mercy of the whims of those they encounter. I don’t deny that painful, horrendous things happen throughout our lives, for some seemingly more than others. As a career therapist, I have witnessed what happens to the mind and soul of someone who has experienced abuse or trauma. It is as if a piece of them has gone into hiding and blessedly, can be beckoned out with love and compassion. Once visible, I can speak to that part of them that wants to know that life can be different, even if they are doubtful at that moment. I ask them to find a few things (or maybe jut one to start) that they love about their lives. It could be a person, a talent, an experience, an animal companion. That attytood of grattytood that I love to speak about can go a long way to heal soul deep boo boos.

Even for those of us who seem to live charmed lives, spiritual amnesia occurs from time to time and we forget how good things are. Even this Bliss Mistress gets the blues. When that happens, I take out my cosmic crayon box/magic markers (and they really ARE magic) and add a dash of other colors to the blue hues so I am not caught up in the boohoos.

Over the past few days, I have been astounded at what is coming to fruition from the seeds I have planted over the past few decades. When I gaze backward through my time line, I have been aware of stuck places, when I thought I would never move forward. The truth is, nothing stays the same forever. It is the Buddhist concept of impermanence. Neither joys nor sorrows are forever. Holding onto to them is like grasping  a fistful of sand or water that slip through our fingers. Better, I have found, to hold life with an open hand and open heart. Into both are coming gifts and opportunities I have desired for such a long time.

I feel a sense of exhilaration as the words flow through my mind, into fingers, tapping on keyboard for your waiting eyes to read. Simply put, I am compelled to write this….as if I could stop it, even if I wanted to.

Each morning, I grace my day (regardless of the time it begins…lately before the sun rises) with intention setting- to create a life that sings and soars, to call into my life extraordinary experiences and amazing people and to live and love full out.

How will you love your life into existence?

Come In Through My Door-Lee McCormick

Photo credit:  Robin and Kevin Schwoyer

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