
I remember seeing another poster with a similar idea that had on it the names of famous inventors, proclaiming that each of them had the same 24 hours that were granted to everyone. The difference was all in how they invested their energy and action in that period.

As a recovering Type-A, gotta get it done, overachiever, I experience the opposite at times. With all of the grand ideas that I am fed by The Muse (who is my constant companion), I wonder if I will ever complete every project that my vivid imagination conjures. Yesterday, I was grateful to have written two articles, did promo for others that I had recently written, saw clients, caught up on paperwork, researched ideas for workshops and presentations, made phone calls, scheduled meetings,  edited articles, spent time with my son, his girlfriend and her son, sent out my email newsletter, actually getting to bed before midnight. Today, the agenda includes a playout at the gym, laundry, more writing, planning for my Vivid Life radio show, clients and who knows what else will beckon my attention.

There was a period in my life when I was not so attentive to detail, to all of the things that needed to be accomplished in a day’s time. Not sure how I thought things would get done that were on my to-do list…perhaps kind faeries would waft down and take care of them for me. What I have learned is that when I take inspired action, celestial forces are more than happy to help out. They need me as I need them to be co-creators.

What matters most to me:  family and friends, health/wellbeing, love, living and working in an environment that is as peaceful as possible, knowing that at times, chaos happens as it does when activity  pulls me in different directions, waving its symbolic hands, calling out “Yo! I need your attention.”, playtime, creative flow, spiritual connection, abundance in all forms, mutual support with people in my life, caring for the planet and being a force for good in the world.

What matters most to you?

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