Imagine an entire day set aside for the purpose of……doing nuthin’. You wake up and smile, noticing the sun beaming in through your window, with a blank agenda, an empty schedule, nowhere to go; an invitation, instead to be ‘now here’. Is that possible? For me, it would be a delight and a dilemma, since I have become so accustomed to busy-buzzy doing, rather than simply being. Perhaps it is that way for you too.  My days generally consist of writing, counseling, cleaning, laundry, teaching, speaking, gym time and interludes with friends and family. I am able to snag brief moments of sitting, staring into space, daydreaming. Even while driving, my mind is plotting out my next adventure or activity, be it work or play related.
Enter National Relaxation Day, August 15th that was created in England and made its way across the pond to the USA. Today, you are invited to consider what it is that makes you sigh, what turns stiff muscles into mush, what gives you a reprieve from toil and what replenishes the stores. We are all aware of the ramifications of stress on the body, mind and spirit in the form of dis-ease and in some cases, death.  In Japan, there is actually a word for it: Karoshi   which is translated as ‘death by overwork’. Young, otherwise healthy workers, suddenly have been known to have heart attacks or strokes. It has become more than a trauma for the families, but impacts on the nation as a whole.

The benefits of relaxation include:

Lowered blood pressure and heart rate

Improved mood

Enhanced relationships

Safer driving practices


Decrease in depression and anxiety rates

Raised self esteem


So, what are some of your favorite ahhhh-activities?

Mine include:

Lying on a blanket in a park.



Listening to music



Hot tub soaking

Walking in nature

Going to the gym

Spending time with kindred spirits

Being with children

Blowing bubbles



Aromatherapy (lavender is my favorite scent)

Even if just for today, write yourself a permission slip to play, breathe, take even a few minutes to simply BE~  The Heart Codes 1 by Barry Goldstein


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