What does the word ‘destiny’ mean to you? According to the online Free Dictionary:  des·ti·ny

n. pl. des·ti·nies
1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one’s lot.
2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: “Marriage and hanging go by destiny” (Robert Burton).
3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events: Destiny brought them together.

[Middle English destine, from Old French destinee, from feminine past participle of destiner, to destine, from Latin dstinre, to determine; see st- in Indo-European roots.]
 A recently released book takes it even deeper. In the hands of renaissance woman Michelle Casto whose life work has included life and career coaching, university lecturing and healing whose abilities come to her naturally and who bridges the mainstream and metaphysical, destiny has come to indicate a path and not merely a destination. The Destiny Discovery offers graceful guidance into the various twists and turns we take from where we are to where we desire to be. She begins with asking the reader to take an inventory of their life as it is in the moment on a 1-4 scale. Questions include: I wake up Monday mornings energized and excited for the week.  Who I am and what I do is in alignment.  I know and honor my core values.
Practices permeate the chapters which include journaling, storyboarding, question and answer and personal inquiry. She addresses strong  states of fear, self doubt, ego flares and  unconsciousness. At each turn, Casto is an advocate for our soul’s essence, knowing that it can outlast and refrain from surrendering to our less savory inclinations. She encourages the reader to “write a new story” that reflects our choice of how we live. Guiding the reader to make a Personal and Professional Destiny Declaration and offers suggestions for words to describe those states. She invites those who choose to turn the pages to have an ongoing experience of awakening and personal growth in the presence of supportive community. The treasure chest that adorns the cover is appropriately symbolic as we are the gems that spill over into the world, dazzling and sparkling brightly.
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