“Relationships never end, because they’re of the mind; only bodies can separate. When you’re missing someone, know it just means that on a soul level they’ve come to visit.”-Marianne Williamson
At 53 years  of age, I would venture a guess that I have met and loved hundreds of thousands of people..family, friends, lovers, co-workers….each one has left an imprint on my heart and soul. Some  are no longer in my immediate day to day as they have moved onto the next chapter in their lives, some ( very few, blessedly) because the relationship wasn’t healthy for me, for them or for both of us. Others have moved on to their next incarnation, or as I like to say have  ‘left the building’ (ala’ Elvis:)  Regardless of the form of the change, I know with all certainty that love is never wasted and each person has been a teacher of love, forgiveness, stretching comfort zones. I have also learned that everyone is on loan to us and that everyone we love will one day die or leave us or we will die or leave them. Rather than being impetus for fear of getting close to anyone, it feels like a reason to celebrate all of our relationships that much more meaningfully. Holding our relationships with an open hand is not necessarily easy. As a recovering co-dependent, I have walked that path, discovering that as I do so, I leave room for people to flow in and out with a growing level of comfort. Even in the rather toxic relationships, I still never shut anyone out of my heart, even as I choose not to be in their presence.
I encounter people often who have an infintessimally small vision of the possibility of who might enter their lives on any given day and they really do believe that the only folks that will be in their lives are those that are currently there or who have died or left. I remind them that everyone they now know and love were once strangers and that it really is possible to call new friends in every single day. I do it, because I issue the invitation and have been delighted with who has answered the call.
I am delighted with the synchronicities that occur regularly as people come back into my life after many years. Recently, two women re-entered and cosmically coincidentally, I had been friends with each of their former husbands before I met them. I am still friends with the men as well. Bonus!
My soul buddies  who have ventured across the veil, come to visit through dreams and messages. My husband, parents and other loved ones are very present with me and although I miss their physical being, I am certain that they too are only  a thought away and their visits are welcome as they knock on an open door labeled LOVE.
http://youtu.be/14Tl4MAPozk Never Ending Song of Love by The New Seekers
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