A few years ago, while in the midst of intense internal spiritual expoloration, I was walking on the vividly green grounds of the hospital where I work. I was engaged in Divine Dialog and at one point, had questioned whether the life changes I sought would ever come to be.  At that moment, a truck rumbled by. The words on it?  Guaranteed Overnight Delivery (G.O.D.) Laughter erupted and I was showered with an awareness that all was well.  Last week, as I was driving, I found myself in that pondering place once again. What should I scan in a parking lot nearby?  The G.O.D. truck. Why do I doubt?

Throughout my life, I have serendipitous experiences that have me shaking my head with a sense of awe and wonder and I appreciate when other people share theirs. One such came today in the form of this missive from a new friend, a singer-songwriter named Ron Chelsvig. I met Ron a few weeks ago at the Brother Sun concert about which I had written in a recent Bliss Blog post.

His facebook posting was prompted by one I had shared in which this profound quote: was offered.

“We are made for goodness. We are made for love…We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We all belong to this family, this human family, God’s family.” ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Ron  shared: “Once at a restaurant a waiter walked by and a $100 bill fell out of his pocket. I picked it up and followed the waiter and told him the money had fallen out of his pocket. He anxiously thanked me and revealed if he had lost that money, he… would have been fired. As I was returning to my seat I saw an older man at the table behind me nod and smile at me approvingly. He looked familiar.

My friend at the table said, “I think Desmond Tutu is sitting behind you.” I realized, “That’s who it is!”

Desmond and his companion finished their meal and stood to leave. I stood as well and walked up to him. I held his hand and thanked him for all of the courageous work he had done in his life. I told him, “I thank God you are in the world.”

Desmond smiled and covered my hand with both of his and said, “I thank God you are in the world.” Then he wrapped his arms around me and we embraced. It was so moving.

Desmond is a special soul.”

And so Ron, are you.  It is all good. It is all God.
What special delivery will you offer today?  What are you willing to receive?
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