If you are like me, you have ‘dark nights of the soul’ during which you question…oh just about every aspect of your life. You wonder if you are living your purpose, using your creative talents wisely. You ponder the nature of your relationships; are they as healthy and loving as they can be? You sometimes over-think or over-feel.  You occasionally burn the candle at both ends, until there is no more wax left.


More often lately, I channel my ‘inner Annie’ and belt out a rollicking chorus: “The sun’ll come out tomorrow…bet your bottom dollar they’ll be sun.” and inevitably, old Sol does peek through even the thickest of cloud cover.




I had an experience a few years ago, while lying on the massage table of my friend Ute Arnold who practices a body psychotherapy modality called Unergi which is  a Holistic Therapy method she created.  She developed the Unergi Method by integrating touch with the Alexander Technique, talk in the form of Gestalt Therapy, Unergi Core-Support Movement based on the Feldenkrais Technique™ with creativity and the Healing Forces of Nature.

I was speaking about an area in my life in which I felt I was slogging along with my feet in thick mud. I made a comment about waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, to which Ute, in her infinite wisdom asked one of those questions that had me do a cartoon character double take.  She asked “What if you could bring the light INTO the tunnel with you?”

I had never considered that, but it made perfect sense.  I would be able to see things with greater clarity, rather than in shadow and illusion. I wouldn’t be waiting until conditions were ‘just right’ before proceeding.   From that moment, I am increasingly aware of times during which I have held back living with the light, in the light and of the light.  I am now letting it shine all around me.

Ask yourself: 

“In what areas of my life am I living in darkness when all I need do is turn on a light?” 

“Am I willing to stretch my mind and thoughts to encompass the darkness and the light and honor the gifts that sometimes come with shadow?”

“How about bringing the light into the tunnel…what might I see that I have been missing or outright avoiding?”


Shine on!







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