Imagine a world in which everyone who would like to do so, could experience nurturing touch on a daily basis. How many hugs do you share each day?  For most people, the number is stunningly low.  According to family therapist Virginia Satir:

“For human beings, you need two hugs a day to survive, four hugs for maintenance, six hugs to grow.”  


Even for this insatiable hugger, I can honestly say that even I don’t

share six hugs each day, but I am working on it:)  Here is an

opportunity to dip your toes into the hugging waters, if it is a new

or uncomfortable experience for you. And if you are a veteran

hugger, feel free to dive right in!  But, ask first before you hug

someone and get their verbal consent.


 Today is National Hugging Day was founded in 1986  by

Rev. Kevin Zaborney from Caro, Michigan is a chance to ‘take up

arms’ in a peaceful way . I am tickled with delight  when I think of

the joys of hugging that people have experienced since that first

day that it was a mere thought in the mind of the

creator of this event.


Hugging carries with it so many benefits on all levels, including

lowering blood pressure  and heart rate and invoking a sense of

belonging, thus preventing isolation. There is also increase of the

hormone called oxytocin which is secreted when mothers nurse

and people cuddle. Folks who hug more, also notice an ability to

create and sustain intimate relationships. Quite simply, hugging is

portable, fat free, calories free and cholesterol treat. so if you’ve got

arms, welcome someone into them.



To learn more, go to 


Music to hug by written by Fred Small


The Hug Song 






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