The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.  Proverbs 20:4

Are you planning to start your healthy eating and exercise plan when life is back to normal?  Won’t happen.  Life is never normal. There will always be birthday parties and church camp and company due to arrive.  If you wait until your situation is perfect, you will never get started.  Like the man who won’t plow because it is cold and inconvenient, you will wind up without a harvest.  No healthy, fit body for you!

True, life gets in the way of our good intentions.  It may be that situations crop up to derail you.  That’s okay.  Make “healthy” your new “normal.”  When you get off track, get right back on the plan of eating a moderate amount of low glycemic foods and stepping up the exercise.  And don’t wait until next week.  Do it today!  You’ll be glad you did when you “harvest” new clothes in a smaller size.

Eating to live and living for Christ,

Susan Jordan Brown

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