Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits.  Anonymous

 It’s called inertia.  Things that are at rest don’t want to start moving.  It affects all of us, and as we get older, it exerts a stronger and stronger pull.

“Would you get me a cup of coffee while you are up?” we ask.

“Where is the remote?”

“Would you hand me that….”

It’s so easy to fall into that habit — to sit and ask people to do our walking for us. That’s why the pedometer method works.  It gets us on our feet and moving.

Once we are up and walking we gain momentum, because things in motion want to stay in motion.  It’s easier to keep moving when you start stepping.

One way to get lots of steps on your pedometer, or clicker, as I call mine, is to get up and do things for yourself. Add to that and be the one that gets up and fetches things for others.  You will collect clicks and have the added benefit of being appreciated.

Now my husband Paul frequently looks in his coffee cup and says, “Do you need any steps?”  Which means “Would you be the one who gets up and pours the coffee?”  And I always receive treasured words of appreciation along with clicks on my pedometer as I cheerfully get up and get the coffee pot.

Here is your challenge for today: Decide that you will get up and move. You won’t ask people to hand you things or do things for you. You will do them for yourself.  When your spouse (or, for our junior members, your children) want or need something, you will be the one to get up and get it.

Jesus says that the if you want to be greatest, you should be the servant of all. (Matt. 20:25-26)  You may also end up being the thinnest and fittest!

Eating to live and living for Christ,

Susan Jordan Brown

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