“Man cannot live by bread alone — but a woman can.”

I identify with that quote!  If there was a healthy bread-only diet, I could stick to it with no problem.  This is  definitely a category that is easily overdone, and eating too much can change these from green light to red light in a flash.  Try to stick to one serving per meal or snack.

The good news is that there are breads that can be eaten in moderation without giving your autopilot that dreaded message to store fat.  These breads will be dark and chunky, because they have lots of fiber.  That means your stomach will have to work to digest them and the sugar will go into your bloodstream slowly and steadily instead of in a spike.  Here’s my list of breads with a glycemic index less than 55:

100% stone ground whole wheat bread

Whole wheat tortillas

Corn tortillas

whole wheat pitas

sourdough bread  (something about the acid content makes this one low GI)

Whole grain pumpernickel

Whole grain rye

Oat bran bread

Ezekiel bread

A note of caution: Read the label!  Some breads are labeled “whole wheat” but they are really only white bread with carmel color added to make it look browner.  Just remember– the chunkier and chewier the better.

Also, be aware that breads might be a trigger food for you. It is for me. I have to leave them alone!  Try and see what works for you.

Are you wondering about a particular type of bread that isn’t on the list?  Feel free to ask and I’ll look it up for you.  I have a multitude of lists in my resource stack of books and will be happy to check it out for you.

Eating to live and living for Christ,


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