Thankfully, plenty of feel-good articles also get passed to me. Lilit Marcus send this article–about actress Claire Danes and her 22 years of therapy to overcome a neurosis that began when she was six. Here’s the Associated Press/ABC Action News article. I was glad to see such a beautiful face talking about therapy and mental illness in a poised way.

STARDUST actress Claire Danes has undergone therapy for the past 22 years, in a bid to overcome her neurosis.
The 28-year-old first began therapy at the tender age of six when her parents discovered she was afraid of her imaginary friends.
She says, “I was getting to be a bit of a neurotic mess, so my parents thought therapy might do me good. But ultimately I became more scared of my therapists than I was of these imaginary creatures.”
Danes, who studied psychology at Yale University, eventually overcame her fear and now attends weekly therapy sessions insisting the process has helped her acting career.
She adds, “I’ve benefited enormously from therapy. It’s made me more self-aware and safer. It’s given me a chance to reflect on my experiences and my feelings. To name them, identify them and organise them.

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