Despite what it may look like, this is NOT a torture device. And it’s not really a toe screw (which IS  an official instrument of torture).  Nope, this is what I’m grateful for today: my newest in a long line of weird foot gear…

It’s subbing for another painful, disorienting, and EXPENSIVE surgical procedure. So I’m verrry glad to have it. Even if it doesn’t work — and it seems to be, albeit verrry sloooowly — it doesn’t HURT.

But here’s the deal: without insurance? I’d just have to gimp along. Painfully, as that’s the way one gimps w/out joint replacement, when they (the joints) wear out. Luckily, I have insurance, and the joint replacement to prove it. And yet another addition to my collection of ‘boots’ (sigh… sooo not the cowboy boots I once wore!)  Still,  today I’m very grateful for the wonders of medical technology and the insurance that allows me to avail myself of them. Even if this is NOT a fashion statement.

My toe screw (I know — I said it wasn’t a real one, but that’s what we call it :)) is a mixed blessing, as are many of the things I find myself contemplating these days. Aging — great to know more stuff. Not so cool to be gimpy. Retirement: great to have more time, but where is it?? Autumn: wonderful fall colours and weather, but that means winter is right around the corner…! Thanksgiving with wonderful family… etc. You get the drift.

So this 16th day of this month of Thanksgiving, what do you find to be grateful for? Even if it’s a two-edged sword,…?


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