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Another essential part to being great in life is in our ability to give.  So many of us look to take from life when really its about how much we give that is a measure of our greatness.  For the longest time I often equated giving to money.  It wasn’t until I had some one who I didn’t know explain to me how giving goes beyond the monetary.

I was taking a class from a very successful Master Life Coach.  She had each participant share of our experiences from our weekend together.  I went up to share and she discerned me very accurately and quickly. I was amazed.  She said, “you’re a giver”.  I had a puzzled look on my face.  She continued, “You give of yourself to others and you give of your gift and heart.” In that moment I realized (although I know that giving is more than money, I wanted to establish that I’m speaking of giving in its fullness) that she was right. I love sharing what God blessed me with with others.

So examine your life.  How are you contributing to the cosmos? Carefully examine your life and ask yourself the tough questions, ‘am I giver or a taker?’.  In the end we will all be accountable for the legacy we live here on Earth.  I know some of us have been taken advantage of by others in life. We mustn’t let an experience color the lens from which we interact in life.  We have to the power to create life flowing from our beings.  Today give. Tell someone they’re beautiful.  Offer someone some of your lunch.  Share some of your wisdom with a young person.  Start from there.  Slowly over time this will become a lifestyle for you.

Remember we have the ability to not only change our world, but the world as a whole….BE GREAT!!

Until Next Time,


Pervis Taylor, III is an Author, Life Coach, Speaker and Contributor. His books Pervis Principles Volume 1 and 2 are available exclusively on his website: He is the creator of the inspiration/life coaching mobile app, I-Inspire, available for IPhones, Ipad and Ipod Touch via: He resides in New York City. Follow him on Twitter @pervistaylor or Facebook

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