Most people thought it was impossible…then it became commonplace.

At first it looked like there was no end in sight…then it became crystal clear.

People suffered…


Felt humiliated…

Even to the point of just giving up.

Then something occurred that turned it all around.

And as a result…

People flourished…


Felt recognized…

Because in addition to now living a fulfilled and meaningful life, they realized how to pave the way for other people to follow in their footsteps.

And they did so from discovering a cure.

Not only for what were once seen as incurable diseases and illnesses…but for life in general.

And no matter how you look at it—whether it has to do with your physical health or not—if you’re in a situation you don’t want to be in, you’ll be looking to get out of it.

The way you start?

By looking for a cure. And to also realize what your cure stands for. As you go about doing this ask yourself…

What is the cure for your life?

1. Across the human race

One thing is certain about you, me, and all human beings…we all live under the laws of the Universe. Most of these are intangible which is why a majority of the people don’t pay attention to them.

It’s the old “if I can’t see it then it doesn’t exist” mentality.


Within these “laws of the Universe” is your cure for life.

And it is your cure that allows you to experience a fulfilled and meaningful life.

Before I get to this let me mention what cure stands for…


Because when you have realistic expectations the cure for your life has begun.

Now of course what is realistic to you may or may not be realistic to someone else.

For example…

If your mission in life is to open up a school that teaches children how to maximize their genius—such as what Marilyn Wilhelm did—and you are little by little taking the action steps to follow through on that…then it’s a realistic expectation to you.


Someone who has no interest in doing that…or someone who has no idea what their mission is.

What will they do?

They’ll see it as being unrealistic. And will mostly tell you to “get real.”

So your realistic expectations are relative and based on what you “love” doing…what you’re “inspired” to be doing…what you look forward to doing everyday when you get out of bed in the morning.

Why am I bringing this up…and what does it have to do with you finding your cure for life?

Because when you’re clear on what you love to be doing…

And you’re seeing evidence along the way that you’re on track…

While also realizing that you’ll get equal amounts of support and challenge…pleasure and pain…praise and criticism…people liking and disliking you along the way…

You are consciously understanding realistic expectations.

In other words…

You have begun figuring out what your cure for life is.

And then comes the next piece.

2. Throes of authority

It’s true about doctors. The same with religious leaders. Your boss at work…within your own family…and even those you admire on TV.

As you’re well aware I’m talking about the different authority figures you deal with throughout the course of your life.

And your ability to have your cure for life depends on how effectively you act and react to these “perceived” authority figures.

Case in point…

How many times have you heard from family that you “should” go to college…and that you “have to” get a job?

As a result how many times have you found yourself not doing what you love? And in the process were told that you can’t do what you love…or that you need money to start your own business…or that certain people are “lucky” and you’re not?

And in many cases who is telling you these things…perceived authority figures you’ve given power to.

The result in most cases?

You end up living an unfulfilled life of “have tos” and “supposed tos”…

Instead of a fulfilled life of “I love tos”, “I’m inspired tos”, and “I desire to.”

Same thing with people you know…and even those you admire on TV.

How many times have you looked at someone famous and said, “I wish I had their talent”, “I wish my life was just like theirs”, “I wish I had a loving family like they do?”


Anything you see in someone else you have as well.

Anything you say about someone else you’re saying it about you…otherwise you wouldn’t be saying it at all.

Why is this important for you?

Because when you “stand on the shoulders” of these perceived authority figures…instead of minimizing yourself to them…you are well on your way to discovering the cure for your life.

It goes back to what Einstein said…

“My contempt for authority is what made me one.”

Instead of subordinating yourself to a perceived authority figure you’ve given power to…see where you have what you see in them. It may or may not be in the same exact way as you see in them…yet it will be in your own unique way.

Also realize…

I’m not saying to disrespect these authority figures. I am saying to acknowledge in you what you admire in them.

At this point something else changes in your life…

3. Your will to live

On the last day of your life you’re going to be asking yourself a question…

“Did I do everything I could with everything I was given?”

And you want to be able to say…

“Yes I gave it my all.”

My question to you…

“Why wait until the last day of your life?”


Make it a habit to ask yourself, “did I do everything I could with everything I have today?”

Because when you approach your day (and life) this way you strengthen your will to live.

It gets you to “dig deep” within and come up with the answers to the most challenging questions you have.

You already have the answers…and the solutions…to your biggest challenges.

What it comes down to is having the will to live…to be relentless…persistent…and perseverant in pursuit of your life’s purpose.

And this again goes back to what I said earlier…

It’s about having realistic expectations…the cure for your life.

Always remember…

It doesn’t matter where you are right now…or what you’ve done or not done…or what you’ve been through…or what anyone has said or not said.

What matters is…

You are a special person worthy of being a shining star in the world…

Of being the person that other people respect.

Of being the person who has left their mark on the world in a way that benefits others.

And it all starts by discovering your cure for life…

And continues through your will to live.

And if by some chance you find yourself down and out right now, keep this in mind…

“The more down and out you’ve been, the more in and up you are destined to go.”

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