What does it really mean to Live in our Truth and why is it that we often feel extreme fear around it? Before we can answer that question, we must genuinely know what truth means. Our truth is simply what feels right at a soul level. It is what is individually true for us underneath all the protective conditioning we are wearing. Our truth is connected to self connection and the willingness to be completely vulnerable and honest with ourselves and the world around us. It is who we are when we are not hiding. It’s who we are when we are willing to be fully seen and shine our light from the inside out. It’s who we are when we are expressing our potential without apology and with the knowing that we are enough just as we are.  It offers a glorious, free feeling from within and we hold the knowing that we are tapped into a universal connection with all that is.

So why would we fear this? Why would we avoid the opportunity to experience such bliss?  The following are 5 fears that may hold us back from giving ourselves permission to live out our own individual truth?

1. We fear change and discomfort. Change is something that we often resist because we are so accustomed to being in the comfort of the way things currently are. Deciding to live in our truth means we must take full responsibility and create change and this requires the willingness to be uncomfortable.

2. We fear getting real.  If we get really honest with ourselves, then we might actually have to feel shit. What a crazy thought! But this is why most of us remain depressed, angry and unhappy. We label ourselves and the story ends there. That is just the beginning of the story. Giving ourselves permission to get real with ourselves by honoring our feelings without all the self-judgement makes lots of room to create a new story.

3. We fear letting go. Deciding that we are going to take a stand for our truth requires that we let go of the old ways of who we once were. We let go of outdated thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors. We must let go of all the old to welcome in the new. Release and let go. It doesn’t happen over night, but it happens when we are willing.

4. We fear the unknown. We know that stepping into our truth will come with many uncertainties. We are never given all the answers, but we do come to a place where we know one thing for sure. We know that the pain of living in the known is much greater than experiencing all the uncertainties that come with taking a stand for for our truth even if it means coming up against challenges. If you are hesitating on making a change of any kind for this reason  just remember that the unknown can only be unknown for so long before it becomes comfortable to you. This is how we grow and evolve.

5. We fear criticism and judgment. We believe that stepping into our truth won’t be accepted by those around us. There is a reason it is our truth. It is meaningful to us. It’s important. It’s vulnerable. It the connection to our heart and soul. When we reveal it and let it out for the world to see our mind automatically goes to thoughts like, “I won’t be accepted. I won’t be loved. I won’t be validated.” This is partially correct. Not everyone will accept our truth. But what’s more important to focus on is that we are only here for a short time. You are hear to live aligned to your heart and take a stand for who you know you really are.

These fears are certainly valid. I give you full permission to feel them and I even give you permission to never strive to overcome them. As long as you are committed to living your truest, most soul-filled potential, fear may always be right by your side. It will offer up its most creative and outrageous excuses to keep you safe and small. But real courage is not about being fearless. Real courage is about looking fear in the face and saying, “Thank you for your protection, but I’ve got this even with you by my side.”

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