At the Intersection of Faith and Culture

All too predictably, the left has been busy at work trying to convince Americans that opposition to President Obama is motivated by the “racist” machinations of his Republican opponents. Last Thursday, for example, while addressing the Democratic National Convention, Congressman John Lewis informed audiences that a victory for Mitt Romney promised to turn back the…

Most right-leaning commentators oppose so-called “gay marriage.”  If we become the first society in all of human history to reshape marriage so as to accommodate homosexuals, the argument goes, we will weaken this most indispensable and venerable of institutions.  It is hard not to have at least some sympathy for this reasoning.  After all, when…

Partisans from across the political divide routinely pay lip service to America’s founders. It is impossible to go very long—particularly during an election year—without hearing politicians and their supporters of all stripes enlist “the Founders” in the service of their causes. Sometimes such invocations are justified.  More often—much more often—than not, however, they are nothing…

While addressing the Democratic National Convention, First Lady Michelle Obama told audiences that, ultimately, her husband’s ambitious agenda is not political, but personal.  “In the end,” she said, “for Barack, these issues aren’t political—they’re personal.” Barack, Michelle continued, “knows what it means when a family struggles.  He knows what it means to want something more…

If more of the American electorate were aware of three things, I would like to think that one of our two national parties would have a significantly more difficult time maintaining power. These three things pertain to the contemporary American university.  And the party that has an interest invested in keeping Americans in the dark…

From talk radio to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh to Sean Hannity, National Review to The Weekly Standard, what is popularly understood as “the conservative movement” has no short supply of voices. But what few people—and even fewer people among self-avowed “conservatives”—ever bother to ask is whether the popular understanding of conservatism is an accurate understanding. …

On Friday, August 31, former archbishop of Milan and one-time candidate for the papacy, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, passed away at the age of 85. Cardinal Martini was hailed as a “progressive.”  Upon listening to the last interview that he gave before his death—and that was released this past Saturday—it becomes immediately obvious that his…

Not unlike any other politician, Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney can use every vote that he can get. As the events of this past week’s Republican National Convention amply demonstrate, Romney and his party are doing all that they can to reach out to demographic groups—independents and moderates, single women, blacks, Hispanics, “the youth vote”—whose…

The Republican National Convention is now over, but the race for the presidency isn’t over by a long shot. The Obama campaign spared not a moment to respond to Paul Ryan’s and Mitt Romney’s speeches.  Yet its reply was at least as negative in character as it accused Ryan’s and Romney’s speeches of being.  Rather…

Four years ago, Arizona Senator Republican presidential nominee John McCain shocked the world when he chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.  McCain and Palin lost their race against Barack Obama and Joe Biden, but Palin has since achieved celebrity status.  Among other things, she became a Fox News contributor. However, on Wednesday,…

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