Since Election Day (and well before it, truth be told), Republican commentators have declared the need to intensify their “outreach” efforts to racial minorities.

Thus, from Charles Krauthammer to Sean Hannity, amnesty for the 10 to 12 million or so Hispanic immigrants who live illegally within the United States is now the cause de jure for “the loyal opposition.” 

In the interest of altering the GOP’s lily white image, I offer some suggestions.

(1). Given that its party is a virtual oasis of whiteness, the Republican leadership and its media allies should inform its base of supporters that they are no longer welcome in the GOP.  It is the overwhelming concentration of whites in the latter that fuels the perception on the part of non-whites that the party is “racist.”  It is this perception, in turn, that accounts in no small measure for why non-whites gravitate in massive numbers to the other national party.

However, if whites are to leave the GOP en masse, then it must render itself as undesirable as possible to this constituency.  This, of course, means that it must radically alter its party platform—both its rhetoric and its policies. 

White evangelical Christians, for example, flock to the GOP because of its affirmative stance on the questions of life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom.  All of this must now change. The surest way of repelling this bloc from its ranks is for the party of Lincoln to give enthusiastic support to abortion-on-demand, gay marriage, Obamacare, and the like. A not inconsiderable number of white working class Catholics, we can rest assured, will soon follow suit

This is how Republicans can rid themselves of “socially conservative” whites.  Fiscally conservative whites, on the other hand, require a different approach.

If the Republican Party is to wash its hands once and for all of those whites from the middle and upper classes who are attracted to its business-friendly policies, then all that it has to do is abandon those policies.  Republicans should declare war on millionaires and billionaires by demanding that they pay their fair share of taxes.  However much the Democrats want to tax the wealthy, Republicans should up the ante.  Not only will this strategy insure that the Republican Party becomes less white, it is a stone that will drop another bird as it deflates the perception—pervasive among minorities—that it is a party of fabulously rich, exploitative, oppressive white businessmen.

(2). Republicans must give up their relentless support for the bombing of non-white Muslims in the Middle East.  George W. Bush’s “Freedom Agenda” resulted in unmitigated chaos and destruction for untold numbers of people of color.  His “hard line” stance on the issue of “Islamism” has provoked legions of people of color right here at home to recoil from the GOP. 

But not only should Republicans resolutely refuse to comply with any more wars waged on Middle Eastern lands.  They should just as passionately encourage lots and lots of immigration from the Islamic world. 

Most Muslims are people of color, so in demanding a flood of Muslim immigrants, Republicans can prove to America that they aren’t racist.  And because Muslims aren’t Christian—because, that is, most Republicans aren’t Islamic—Republicans can also prove that they aren’t guilty of any religious bigotry toward Muslims (Another two-for-one!).

There is yet another benefit to be had from massive Islamic immigration courtesy of Republicans: with their strong family values, piety, and work ethic, Muslims are ripe to swell the ranks of the GOP!

A cautionary note is in order here: in welcoming Islamic immigrants or immigrants of any other kind, Republicans should embrace them without qualification.  Translation: reject the concept of assimilation.  The latter is thought to be but a subtle form of imperialism, for in demanding of immigrants that they assimilate, it has been argued that we demand of them that they shed their ways and accept ours—or else. Republicans should seek to accommodate, not assimilate, immigrants.

(3). Republicans must begin to bear in mind that all of their pro-America talk is seen by non-whites as racist code language.  This means that appeals to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and even the American flag, offend the sensibilities of non-whites generally, blacks and Native Americans especially. 

Consider that the country’s founding documents were composed exclusively by white men, many of whom owned blacks as slaves (The Constitutional Convention was whiter than a Tea Party rally!).  All of them harbored views on race that no remotely respectable person today could even think about countenancing.  And under the American flag countless Native Americans were displaced from their homes and/or slaughtered while countless more Africans were wrenched from their lands and brought to North America for a life of toil and bondage.

John McCain was off to a good start some years ago when he spoke out against the Confederate flag waving at the Capital building in Charleston, South Carolina.  But Republicans must now speak out against the American flag, for its connotations for racial minorities are no less egregious than are those associated with the Confederate flag. 

Republicans should become the new flag burners.  They should also spare no occasion to make a show of tearing to shreds copies of our racist Constitution and Declaration.

(4). Republicans should stop talking about America as a “Judeo-Christian” country.  At least they should stop emphasizing its Christian heritage.  This, in turn, implies that they should insist even more forcefully than their rivals upon “the separation” of church and state—and, preferably, the separation, as much as possible, between church and culture.  

For two millennia, Christianity was the religion of European civilization.  In other words, it was first and predominantly the religion of whites.  In describing America as a Christian nation, or in speaking approvingly of Christianity, Republicans are all too easily seen by non-whites as, once again, speaking in racist code.

(5). When this is all said and finished, Republicans should proclaim the death of their party—and the death of America.    


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