Full Moon Capricorn July 15 2011
Image by Donovan Zimmerman

The Capricorn Full Moon the 15th occurs with the Moon in Capricorn opposite the Cancerian Sun. Signs in opposition are like the Yin/Yang symbol – each sign contains what the other lacks, and the Full Moon requires that we integrate those opposing forces. The Cancerian Sun is concerned with family and feeling – a connection to our tribe and our ancestors. There is an emotional focus that personalizes everything we see. The Capricorn Moon is all about responsibilities and prefers to put emotions aside until our responsibilities and tasks are behind us.

The Cancer/Capricorn polarity also describes the relationship between the parent and the child – the outer world  and the inner one.  We begin as a child, and then become a parent, and then sometimes a parent to our own parents.  All polarities contain a balance and requires an integration of the two ends of the axis. In order to achieve in the outer world we must have a balanced inner life.  We cannot truly find that inner place of home until we resolve our place in the world.

The Venus/Saturn square will still be in effect at the time of the Full Moon which suggests that this focus on Capricornian accomplishment could stand in the way of harmony in our relationships (since Saturn rules Capricorn it provides support in this case for the need to build structure and put aside our personal feelings for the tasks at hand. Capricorn’s purpose is to master the material world. and personal feelings (both our own and those of our loved ones) are not always considered as part of the master plan.

The square of Uranus and Pluto, which is within a degree right now and as close as it will come until next year, is embedded in the chart of this Full Moon where it is beaming a light into our consciousness that requires us to make choices.  Uranus demands integrity and authenticity, and Pluto ensures endings and transformation.  Will we make these choices willingly, or will they be made for us?  That is the question asked by this Full Moon.

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