by Lynn Hayes

It has always amazed me that outside of the US, where I live, I have more clients in Australia than in any other country.  Well now it appears there’s a good reason for that anomaly:  Australians are much more likely to “believe in” astrology than Americans, where recent polls put the number of believers closer to 25%.
This whole idea of “believing in astrology” is really a misnomer.  When you see for yourself that something works, you don’t believe in it – you know it.  Faith and belief are very different attitudes than experience and knowledge.
At any rate, Australians as a people seem to be much more open to new ideas than their American counterparts, which is not surprising since Sagittarius is rising in the chart for the United States.  The Sagittarius ascendant marks the Seeker of Truth – the one who knows that they have found the way.  Australia, on the other hand, has Aries rising – the independent adventurer who thinks for him/herself. 
Read more about the attitudes of Australians here, and thanks to Astrococktail for the link!
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