When I was at the Blast astrology conference in September I attended a lecture by Deb Houlding, proprietess of the fabulous Skyscript website, on the ancient art of Horary.  Although my astrological skills fall squarely in the field of modern astrology, which is more humanistic and geared towards spiritual evolution than the more ancient methods, I confess I am fascinated by the ancient techniques and their claims to exactitude and details.  

Skyscript has an extremely interesting interview of Deb by Garry Phillipson which I recommend for everyone.  Even if you don’t know much about astrology you’ll find the story of how she became interested in astrology in general and in the Renaissance techniques of William Lilly in particular quite fascinating. 
The more we learn about the incredible field of astrology, the more there is to know.  Not one of us, no matter how learned, can ever claim that we have mastered it!  
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