Secret papers just released tell the story of Louis deWohl, an astrologer and flamboyant character who was hired by the British secret service to cast horoscopes for Hitler and other Nazi leaders under the auspices of the “Psychological Research Bureau.” John and Susan Townley were ahead of the curve on this one, posting this article back in 2006.

It has long been rumored that British intelligence utilized the help of an astrologer, mostly from legends disseminated by deWohl himself. Most authorities agree that deWohl was never a real astrologer, but instead served to assist the British government in convincing the US to enter World War II. His biography is riddled with rumor and falsehoods, including a stint as a Hollywood screenwriter and an intimate association with Hitler’s astrologers.

It’s unfortunate that the exposure of the real use of astrology by the military features such a fraudulent practitioner of the art. For more information on deWohl, see this excellent article from the UK Skyscript site.

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