I’ve said many times that there are too many variables in the financial world to be able to accurately use astrology to predict the rise and fall of stock prices, and now a Danish study reports on links between major events in the lives of CEOs and the stock prices of their companies. The Wall Street Journal, reporting on the article, writes:

The study is part of an emerging — and controversial — area of financial research that delves into the lives and personalities of executives in search of links to stock prices and corporate performance. The trend is an outgrowth of the tendency to lionize CEOs as critical to the businesses they lead. If their performance is so vital, the researchers say, investors should want to know anything that could affect it.

“When you go to the track, you study the horse,” says David Yermack, a New York University finance professor. “Investing is not that different. You want to know as much as you can about the jockey.”

This is particularly interesting to astrologers, because this is where we have the edge. If we see a Pluto transit coming up for a CEO, it might not be the best time to invest in that company. Or perhaps we should look for poorly aspected Jupiter in the chart:

A study he co-wrote looked at executives’ home purchases. It found that on average, the stocks of companies run by leaders who buy or build megamansions sharply underperform the market. The researchers don’t claim to know why. They theorize that some of these executives might be focused more on enjoying their wealth and less on working hard.

This may be an interesting topic for a future research project! Stay tuned…

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