In browsing around for interesting astrology news I came across this in a forum on relationships:

I happen to analyse my horoscope.One astrologer told my marriage life is going to be full of problems and difficulties. I will go to the extent of commiting suicide I will have to face aso many problems. I was really worried abt it.I told my would be abt it.He scolded dont believe in this all.I was very much worried on what the astrologer told.Pls tell me wat u peole say? should i beleive this or not

The querent lives in India so I assume his astrologer followed Vedic principles, and the Vedics are very much based in prediction of the future. Regardless of the type of astrology one practices, there are two issues here.

First, there is no way to predict for certain whether someone will commit suicide or how a difficult chart will turn out. I have seen people with incredibly difficult charts who have worked very hard through their issues to gain wisdom and inner peace. Second, nearly everyone in the psychic field agrees that it is unethical to predict a negative future for an individual; first, some of the most amazing experiences occur through difficult times and second, if you instill fear in that client they will create their own disaster. Certainly when a Pluto transit is coming that will hit the clients Chiron/Moon conjunction which squares Pluto, you know there will be some kind of trouble. But there are keys to navigating those rough waters so that the client can get the most out of the process.

I hope that this individual was able to find better advice. It’s astrology “readings” like this that give us all a bad name.

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