I’m taking a break Saturday so I can write the October Skywatch. Meanwhile here are some links for your reading pleasure:

Philip Brown takes a look at Senator George “Macaca” Allen, something I’ve been meaning to do myself.

Jeffrey reviews the film Hollywoodland and the Saturn/Neptune opposition.

Jill links to and discusses Keith Olbermann’s perfect piece of journalism on the what Clinton did vs. what Bush did argument.

Nancy skewers President Bush on his own torturous petard.

April’s Thursday Thirteen includes thirteen upcoming astro-events.

Susan delves into the effect of Saturn and Neptune, with a separate article on the addition of Jupiter to the playground.

JM goes for a walk, and also reveals the ascendant as portal to our lives’ experiences.)

Neith, my fellow Libran, relishes in the beauty of autumn.

Have a great weekend, I’ll be back Sunday.

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