These quotes are from a very interesting, but fairly technical, article by Douglas Boyd entitled “Inner-active Psychological Astrology” (courtesy of the Starcats site).

“Only after I had familiarized myself with alchemy did I realize that the unconscious is a process, and that the psyche is transformed or developed by the relationship of the ego to the contents of the unconscious.”
C. G. Jung; Memories, Dreams, Reflections: P. 209.

“Mathematics has been and will continue to be the qualitative language of science, but astrology will become the qualitative language of the human condition.” — William Tiller – Professor of Physics, Stanford University

“Sooner or later nuclear physics and the psychology of the unconscious will draw closer together as both of them, independently of one another and from opposite directions, push forward into transcendental territory, the one with the concept of the atom, the other with that of the archetype.”
— C G Jung; Aion (1951). CW 9: Part II: P. 412

“That we can now think of no mechanism for astrology is relevant but unconvincing. No mechanism was known , for example for continental drift when it was proposed by Wegener. Nevertheless, we see that Wegener was right and those who objected on the grounds of unavailable mechanism were wrong.”
— Carl Sagan

“In Jungian psychology there is a clear appreciation that great transformative wisdom resides in the inner world of our dreams, fantasies, and feelings. However, synchronicity shows, that occasionally, this wisdom, this transforming meaning, expresses itself in the inner and outer worlds simultaneously. Appreciating this re-enchants and divinizes the world. From an astrological perspective, we might say that wisdom continuously speaks to us through planetary motions.”

— Victor Mansfield; Physics and Astronomy Department, Colgate University

What is most remarkable and philosophically significant about astrology is that its symbolism is grounded in a time/space map and not simply projected upon the physical world…. we need presume that ‘reality’ is multileveled beyond the simple sensory/empirical level. The symbol is our way of understanding something which is ineffable, yet something ‘real’ which lies beyond us and is beckoning us ‘forward’ (or ‘higher’ or ‘deeper’ depending upon our preferred metaphor). These symbols appear to ‘work’ by general agreement, hence astrology becomes a technology of self knowledge and transformation, a direct participatory and largely dialogical process.”-– Richard Tarnas Ph D–“The Passion of the Western Mind”

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
Jesus Christ; Taken from the Gnostic Gospels uncovered at Nag Hammadi.

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