Within a day or two my blog will have undergone three changes.
First, and least significantly, it will look much different, though hopefully with all the same information.
Second, this new look will be because I will have moved it to Beliefnet.com, to become their first Pagan blog.  I will therefore have  a new url.  My last post on this present url will give it.  Soon thereafter I hope anyone coming here will be automatically redirected.
Third, I will be blogging every day, or nearly so. My content will increase considerably as a consequence.  It will largely be similar to what I am writing now, but with a bit more explicit Pagan connection.  My main focus will be serving the broader Pagan community, and people with compatible interests.

I will therefore have less (not nothing, less) on emergent and spontaneous order subjects, but not because I am doing less on this fascinating issue.  I am now also Founding Editor of a new online open source academic journal, Studies in Emergent Order.  One aspect of the journal will be a blog, where I an the other authors can post bits of wisdom and bloviation alike on those topics.  The journal will have new scholarly work on this topic from an interdisciplinary perspective.
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