My life hasn’t been very easy lately. I must admit the quality of my problems have improved immensely but the discomfort, sadness, anger and doubt have also increased exponentially.

While I was in Japan I began getting messages from people’s ancestors that really seemed to make a difference in their lives. Talking to angels is familiar to me but talking to people who have died was a totally new experience. When I got home from Japan I was absolutely exhausted and actually slept 20 hours.

Today I woke up with a very bad headache on the verge of tears, feeling really hopeless. I have been working on this addition to my house for over a year now and it feels like I am trapped in a bad novel with no end in sight.That’s where coincidences, angels and God comes in.

I had just asked God and the angels to help me when the first of two coincidences showed up in the form of e mails. One was a thank you from someone I had reminded to be gentle and loving to themselves and I told them that I loved them. The second was an invitation to read a book that is coming our next spring. Between the two my attitude and my day changed.

The book is PRAYING FOR STRANGERS: An Adventure of the Human Spirit by River Jordan. In it she shares her amazing personal journey as she prayed her way through the year, reaching out with love and concern for people she’d never met. Along the way, River discovered that her prayers not only touched the lives of others (in often amazing ways), but also created a profound experience that would change her own life forever. I’ll be telling you more about it later.

No matter what the question love is always the answer and prayers never fail to do the trick if we are willing and open to receive. Today I am praying that this extension will be finished easily, beautifully and with lots of love, gratitude and laughter. Soon! Any prayers gratefully accepted.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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