What are you going to fill this day with? I just got a twitter that says live like there is no tomorrow. My first thought is there is no tomorrow. By the time tomorrow gets here it is today so if we are waiting to be happy tomorrow we are never going to get to be happy. That could be a scary thought or a wonderful reminder, the choice is yours.

Think about an angel for a minute. For them there is no tomorrow there is only the present moment. They are fully present in the moment so they know only love. Angels don’t bother wasting time worrying about tomorrow or spending time looking at what is wrong with the world, they see only the reflection of God’s love in everything. They live in the perfection the present moment contains.

For a moment imagine seeing your life through the eyes of the angels. Imagine seeing the most challenging aspect of your life through the eyes of the angels. Let go of your limiting fear based version and allow yourself to see their version of reality instead of holding onto what you believe to be true. It isn’t.

Angels can’t do anything for us but they can guide us and help us see life through their eyes, through the eyes of love. When we release our fear based, limited version of reality we can see ourselves as we really are, limitless. When we tap into that limitless nature we make very different choices.

Your life is your masterpiece, allow yourself to create it so that it is as magnificent as it can be. When you see the endless possibilities you make very different choices. Embrace them, let go of your fear then reach out and touch the love. A life beyond your wildest imaginings exist, all you have to do is reach out and accept it. Allow yourself to see life through the eyes of the angels and watch your life transform.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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