Take Charge of your life through forgiveness and watch how your relationships begin shift and heal. Archangel Zadkiel is the perfect Archangel to help you reach your goals. As you make changes in your life, you are creating opportunities to grow and expand your light. Ask your angels to make your transitions smooth and harmonious for everyone involved and know that these changes are for the better!

heart made hand on heaven

Archangel Zadkiel will also help you to find tolerance and forgiveness. He works on the Violet Ray of Purification and transmutation, helping you to release lower vibrations and ascend to a higher way of being. He works with your 3rd Eye chakra and the mineral Lapis Lazuli helps you to connect with his light and open this chakra.

“Love is the only power there truly is, and the angels can help you stay true to yourself during trying times. Talk openly and honestly about your feelings. Give yourself permission to do what feels right and do it with the love of the Creator in your heart.”

Ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you with opportunities to heal, grow and release negative thought patterns bring desired changes to your journey. Hold the intention of seeing the people or situation in Divine Light and goodness. Archangel Zadkiel can help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings, and energies, and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion.

It is time to move forward and that can include forgiveness of the self, of the past, and of choices you have made. The angels wish to remind you that challenging people, situations and experiences are all to help you learn and expand. Without them, you would not grow. Bless them with unconditional love as you release them, the situations and also those for yourself.  Thank it and let it go, it has served you well and it is time to move on to something more meaningful for yourself and your life.

Ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you transform your thoughts and feelings of less than to be those of tolerance, understanding compassion, and love. He can help you to release any lower vibrations, and help you ascend to higher ways of being. He is a wonderful teacher and is waiting for those who are prepared to walk the path of light and transmute all of the energy around them.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Read more: http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/angelguidance

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