boy with drawing 

It’s that time of year again; back-to-school.

For children this can be both an exciting and anxiety ridden time. But it can be just as stressful for parents, especially if you are sending your child off to school for the first time, or they are entering a new school.

For parents, stepping back into a K-12 setting for the first time in 10, 20 or even 30 years can unexpectedly trigger dynamics you thought you long left behind. Where out in the world you are a confident business person or a well-organized Mom, suddenly you find yourself wondering why ‘that group of women’ stopped talking when you walked by or why ‘that other women’ never says hello.

Here are five things to remember as we head back into school: 

1. Don’t forget who you are – Stay in present time. Remember who you are today. You are not the ‘you’ from sixth grade.

2. Stay clear of gossip – Gossip is divisive and it affects us physically. It lowers our vibration and it makes us less of who we truly are. Heed the old adage ‘If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’

3. Be pleasant to everyone – There’s no reason not to smile and be nice.

4. Say hello even if you don’t know the person – I learned this from my dad. He worked at the Erie County Medical Center and he would see the same people every day. He didn’t know them all personally but he would always say hello.

5. Be nice to new parents – Being the ‘new’ parent is never easy. There are many things a new parent is navigating from school policies, to the emotions of their child, to dealing with a new routine. Be nice, say hello, introduce yourself and offer to answer any questions they might have about the school.

In the end remember that school is your child’s experience, not yours. As long as your child is happy, learning and growing, that’s all that matters when it comes to school.

Find Christine’s new book 50 Ways To Live Life Consciously: 8 Tools and 42 Concepts to Help You Wake-Up And Live at Amazon.com

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