This article first appeared on Mooncircles. It is reprinted here with permission of the author.

The full moon of Aquarius/Leo is the first full moon of 2005. We mark the end of the first lunar month since the earthquake and the tsunami in Asia. We've all been touched by the profound suffering and loss in our human family. We've felt the awesome power of nature and the smallness of our individual power in the face of that force. Yet we've also felt our hearts filling with compassion, giving our money, our prayers and our love to those in need.

Our humanity has been revealed to us in large and small ways during this time of intense feeling. How can we look to the full moon to guide us? Last month's winter solstice was a time of sacred ritual for many religions; its emphasis was on peace, goodwill and the birth of the divine. Now we enter the fixed energy of Aquarius/Leo. This is the time to concentrate that solar fire into a form, to find ways to integrate our sacred aspirations into our daily lives.

There has been an inauguration in Washington. There is a new president in the Ukraine after a popular uprising. There is a new president in Palestine after the death of Arafat. In only a few days there will be elections in Iraq. These world events mirror for us the Aquarian social contract in which we live. Can we align ourselves with the highest intention of these world events? I was struck by the power of the Aquarian ideals expressed in President Bush's inauguration speech as he spoke of liberty and freedom. I heard Aquarian ideals voiced in Mahmoud Abbas' hope for a better future as he reached out to Palestinians and Israelis. Aquarian ideals were put into action by the brave democrats in Ukraine; there is the potential for a democratic government in Iraq. I've been struck by the courage of individuals, great and small, around the world. In all the events on the world stage, there has been the voice of Aquarius calling for a better future for us all. It is clear that destiny is at work here.

The moon in Leo is also reminding us to be as children, to remember the child within. Despite suffering and even through it, say YES to life, trust the power and beauty of life as children so naturally do. Right now in this present moment, LIVE. It is all we have. The tsunami showed us life ending and life going on, teaching us to deeply appreciate the privilege of our individual lives, to live in open-heartedness. With this foundation, the Aquarius full moon calls us to consider our role in the world, the expression of our gifts and talents, to dream great dreams. What is the ideal with which we identify? How can we serve that ideal and contribute our individual genius? Where in our lives are we compromising our vision? Where can we shed our shackles, free ourselves to be more genuine and serve the global vision of one world of free people? One person can make a difference. How clearly we saw so many make that difference in the tsunami as strangers saved other strangers instinctively knowing our universal humanity.

With Neptune currently at its midpoint in the sign of Aquarius, this powerful pulsing of spiritual compassion and vision is affecting the heart and mind of the human race. With Uranus transiting Pisces our true freedom and inner peace can be found in a vision of reaching out with an open hand of help rather than a turning away in divisiveness or an aggressive hand grasping for advantage.

This full moon, this creative moment for powerful reflection, is the time to consider our direction, to reach within for that wild and true spark of our individuality. It is time to recommit to our grandest goals and live bravely in this present moment from which the future is being born. This is the gift of Aquarius.

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